
BNK Petroleum Inc. Provides U.S. and International Shale Update

Geschrieben am 31-10-2012

Camarillo, California (ots/PRNewswire) -

- TSX ticker symbol; BKX

BNK Petroleum Inc. (the "Company") provides the following update
on its operations in Oklahoma and Poland.


The Company-operated horizontal Barnes 6-2H well in Oklahoma,
targeting the Lower Caney and Upper Sycamore formations
(Mississippian Lime equivalent), was recently fracture stimulated in
13 stages over its 4,274 feet lateral section. As previously
reported, the well was drilled to separately evaluate the Sycamore
and two lower zones of the Caney formation. To date, although the
well is early in the recovery process having flowed back only 32% of
the fracture stimulation fluid, it has produced between 170 and 250
barrels of oil equivalent per day with more than 80 percent of the
production being oil. A wellbore cleanout was performed on the
lateral section where a proppant plug was encountered. The plug may
have interfered with production as it appeared to have isolated
approximately 2/3rds of the lateral, essentially excluding the two
Caney zones.

Testing of the three individual zones has commenced to confirm
the production rates of each zone and to obtain data that will aid in
better positioning of future horizontal wells to optimize production
rates. Testing is expected to be completed in mid-to-late November,


The Company, through the Company's wholly owned subsidiary
Indiana Investments Sp. z o.o., has received additional data on the
whole core from the Gapowo B-1 well from the third party contractors.
The Gapowo B-1 core data in the table below validates the Company's
geologic model of increasing thickness and organic content over the
Lower Silurian/Ordovician target interval.

Gapowo B-1 WELL
Target Interval
Thickness m * 110
Net thickness m * 54
Porosity % 3.9 - 6.1 (Avg 5.1)
TOC % 1.1 - 4.2 (Avg 2.5)
Silica/Carbonate 46%
Clay 43%
Other 11%

* Does not include another 20m of prospective intervals where
core data is not available

Detailed inspection of the whole core revealed numerous
fractures, believed to be caused by the overpressure, and are
consistent with the gas isotope analyses which also indicated over
pressured, permeable shales. These analyses are also consistent with
the very high gas readings observed while drilling the Gapowo B-1
well. Approvals required to drill a lateral out of the Gapowo B-1
wellbore are pending. The Company is anticipating the environmental
approval to be granted within the next 6 weeks with the concession
modification submitted subsequently.

About BNK Petroleum Inc.

BNK Petroleum Inc. is an international oil and gas exploration
and production company focused on finding and exploiting large,
predominately unconventional oil and gas resource plays. Through
various affiliates and subsidiaries, the Company owns and operates
shale gas properties and concessions in the United States, Poland,
Spain and Germany. Additionally the Company is utilizing its
technical and operational expertise generated from operating and
producing shale in the US to identify and acquire additional
unconventional projects outside of North America. The Company's
shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the stock
symbol BKX.

Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information

Certain statements contained in this news release constitute
"forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable
Canadian securities laws, including information regarding the
Company's current plans and expectations in regard to the Gapowo B-1
well and the Barnes 6-2H well and it's interpretation of results, and
expected timing of completion and results of data processing,
anticipated timing of approvals and concession modifications.,.
Forward-looking information is based on plans and estimates of
management and interpretations of early exploration information by
the Company's exploration team at the date the information is
provided and is subject to several factors and assumptions of
management, including that the indications of early results are
reasonably accurate predictors of the prospectivity of the shale
intervals, that required regulatory approvals will be available when
required and on terms that are acceptable to the Company, that no
unforeseen delays, unexpected geological or other effects, equipment
failures, permitting delays, labor or contract disputes are
encountered, that the Company's financial condition and the
development plans of the Company and its co-venturers will not
change, that the demand for oil and gas will be sustained, that the
Company will continue to be able to access sufficient capital through
financings, farm-ins or other participation arrangements to maintain
its projects, and that global economic conditions will not
deteriorate in a manner that has an adverse impact the Company's
business, its ability to advance its business strategy and the
industry as a whole. Forward-looking information is subject to a
variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause
plans, estimates and actual results to vary materially from those
projected in such forward-looking information. Factors that could
cause the forward-looking information in this news release to change
or to be inaccurate include, but are not limited to, the risk that
any of the assumptions on which such forward looking information is
based vary or prove to be invalid, including that the Company or its
subsidiaries is not able for any reason to obtain and provide the
information necessary to secure required approvals, that occurrences
such as those that are assumed will not occur, do in fact occur, and
those conditions that are assumed will continue or improve, do not
continue or improve, any of which could result in delays, cessation
in planned work or loss of one or more concessions and have an
adverse effect on the Company and its financial condition. These
risks as well as the other risks and uncertainties applicable to
exploration activities and the Company's business as set forth in the
Company's management discussion and analysis and its annual
information form both of which are available for viewing under the
Company's profile athttp://www.sedar.com. The Company undertakes no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements, other than as
required by applicable law.

For further information:
Wolf E. Regener +1(805)484-3613
Email: investorrelations@bnkpetroleum.com
Website: http://www.bnkpetroleum.com

ots Originaltext: BNK Petroleum Inc
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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