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EANS-News: Marseille-Kliniken AG increases result in first quarter 2012/2013

Geschrieben am 07-11-2012

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

quarterly report

Subtitle: - EBIT development furthermore continued
- Revenues increased to EUR 50.0 million
- Continuous increase in occupancy rate to currently 90.6 percent

Hamburg, Germany (euro adhoc) - 07 November 2012 - Marseille-Kliniken
AG could further increase its earning potential in the first three
months of the current business year 2012/2013 (01 July 2012 until 30
September 2012). Another improvement of the occupancy rate to 90.6%
(Q1 2011/2012: 88.5%) contributed to an increase in revenues by 3.7%
to EUR 50.0 million (previous year: EUR 48.2 million). As
expenditures in areas not directly belonging to care business could
be slightly reduced despite the increased revenues, EBIT amounted to
EUR 4.3 million. This means a significant profit improvement against
EUR 3.0 million in the previous year. "We are very pleased with the
current development. Anyhow our core business with the segments
inpatient and outpatient care still shows vacancies of approximately
9%. At this point we see relevant potential which could not be
achieved today, among others because of the general skills shortage
in the nursing care sector", comments Michael Thanheiser, chairman of
Marseille-Kliniken AG.

Marseille-Kliniken AG has built the basis for this continuing upward
trend already in business year 2010/2011 by the implementation of a
strategy mix consisting of focusing on care for the elderly,
strengthening of quality leadership and introduction of a
decentralised management structure. This tendency was confirmed by
the currently published quarterly results. Net income increased to
EUR 3.2 million (previous year: EUR 1.5 million), among others
affected by an improved financial result.

Marseille-Kliniken AG sees this result as confirmation of its
planning for the further operational development within the current
business year 2012/2013. The company still expects revenues slightly
above previous year's level and an increase in EBIT.

The complete report on the first three months of business year
2012/2013 such as additional shareholders' information is available
for the public in the investor relations section on the company's
website at

---- End of press release ----

About Marseille-Kliniken AG:

Marseille-Kliniken AG (ISIN DE0007783003, WKN 778300, MKA) with its
57 residential care facilities, three residential units for assisted
living and about 4,800 employees is a market leading listed company
on health care in Germany. The business model is significantly
influenced by the demographic development. Therefore
Marseille-Kliniken AG has a secured future. Short-term economic
fluctuations on the other hand exert only a minor influence. As a
consistently modern company with strong focus on quality, the private
enterprise is in a good position within a competitive environment
primarily characterized by regionally active charities.

Further inquiry note:
Hillermann Consulting
Jan Pahl
Investor Relations for Marseille-Kliniken AG
Poststraße 14-16
20354 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-(0)40 / 3202791-0

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Marseille-Kliniken AG
Alte Jakobstraße 79/80
D-10179 Berlin
phone: +49 (0)30 246 32-400
FAX: +49 (0)30 246 32-401
sector: Pharmaceuticals
ISIN: DE0007783003
indexes: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing:
Hamburg, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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