EANS-News: Basler AG reports business figures for the first nine months of 2012:
Camera business sets new benchmarks for incoming orders, sales, and result
Geschrieben am 08-11-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/9-Month Report 2012
Ahrensburg (euro adhoc) - - Group results first nine months of 2012:
Incoming orders: EUR 44.5 million (previous year: EUR 42.4 million,
+5 %) Sales: EUR 41.8 million (previous year: EUR 41.4 million, +1
%) EBIT: EUR 5.0 million (previous year: EUR 5.8 million, -14 %)
Pre-tax earnings: EUR 4.2 million (previous year: EUR 4.8 million,
-13 %) Operating cash flow: EUR 8.4 million (previous year: EUR
9.2 million, -9 %)
- Group results Q3/2012: Incoming orders: EUR 15.7 million
(previous year: EUR 12.2 million,+29 %) Sales: EUR 16.6 million
(previous year: EUR 13.2 million, +26 %) EBIT: EUR 2.4 million
(previous year: EUR 1.9 million, +26 %) Pre-tax earnings: EUR 2.0
million (previous year: EUR 1.5 million, +33 %) Operating cash
flow: EUR 5.1 million (previous year: EUR 4.7 million, +9 %)
- Annual forecast raised for the year 2012: Group's turnover at
EUR 54 - 56 million, (previous forecast: EUR 52 - 54 million;
previous year: EUR 55.1 million), pre-tax return at 9 - 10 %
(previous forecast: 8 - 9 %; previous year: 10.2 %)
November 8, 2012 - BASLER AG, one of the global leading companies in
vision technology, is presenting today the final figures for the
first nine months of 2012.
The most important outcome of the reporting period are new record
figures in incoming orders, sales, and result in the core business
with digital cameras.
"In fiscal year 2012, Basler AG is performing better than expected.
Negative effects due to the uncertain economic situation that we
expected for our camera business were either minimal or compensated
by gains in market share. Therefore, we increased again our sales and
profit forecast" comments Dr. Dietmar Ley, CEO, on the positive
Incoming orders for the group amounted to EUR 44.5 million in the
first nine months (previous year: EUR 42.4 million, +5 %). In the
third quarter, the new orders increased by nearly one third to EUR
15.7 million (previous year: EUR 12.2 million; +29 %).
The sales revenues for the group amounted to EUR 41.8 million in the
first nine months and thus reached the previous year's level of EUR
41.4 million (+1 %). Sales considerably increased from EUR 13.2
million to EUR 16.6 million in the third quarter (+26 %).
In the first nine months as well as in the third quarter, the group's
gross profit and the group's gross margin developed better than in
the previous year. The gross margin increased by 3 percentage points
to 45.7 % in the first nine months (previous year: 43.2 %). In the
third quarter, the gross margin increased from 43.2 % in the previous
year to 46.4 % (+3 percentage points).
In the first nine months of 2012, Basler AG achieved earnings before
taxes (EBT) for the group of EUR 4.2 million. Compared to the
earnings before taxes of EUR 4.8 million achieved in the same period
of the previous year, increased operating costs and higher
depreciations had a dampening effect. The pre-tax return amounted to
10 % (previous year: 11.6 %) and was above the corridor of 8 % to 9
%, predicted for fiscal year 2012. In the third quarter, earnings
before taxes (EBT) for the group increased by 33 % from EUR 1.5
million in the previous year to EUR 2.0 million. The pre-tax return
increased from 11.4 % in the third quarter of 2011 to 12.0%.
Due to these results being above plan in the first nine months and a
solid 4th quarter outlook, on October 22, 2012, the company raised
again the forecast for sales and earnings for 2012. Basler AG
henceforth expects sales revenues within a corridor of EUR 54 - 56
million (previously EUR 52 - 54 million) and a pre-tax (EBT) margin
of 9 - 10 % (previously 8 - 9 %).
The complete nine-month report for 2012 can be accessed on the
company's web site (www.baslerweb.com).
Basler is a leading developer and manufacturer of high grade digital
cameras for applications in industry, video surveillance, medicine,
and traffic. Product development is driven by industry requirements.
The cameras provide easy integration, compact sizes, and an
outstanding price/performance ratio. Basler has more than 25 years of
experience in image processing and has been developing and producing
high grade digital cameras for 15 years. The company employs
approximately 300 employees in its headquarters in Ahrensburg,
Germany, and in the subsidiaries in the USA, Singapore, Taiwan, and
Further inquiry note:
Verena Fehling
Investor Relations
Telefon: +49(0)4102 463-100
E-Mail: ir@baslerweb.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Basler AG
An der Strusbek 60-62
D-22926 Ahrensburg
phone: +49 (0) 4102 463 0
FAX: +49 (0) 4102 463 108
mail: info@baslerweb.com
WWW: http://www.baslerweb.com
sector: Semiconductors & active components
ISIN: DE0005102008
indexes: CDAX
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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Corporate News übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der
Emittent/Meldungsgeber verantwortlich.
Ahrensburg (euro adhoc) - - Konzern-Resultate 9 Monate 2012
Auftragseingang: 44,5 Mio. EUR (VJ: 42,4 Mio. EUR, +5 %)
Umsatz: 41,8 Mio. EUR (VJ: 41,4 Mio. EUR, +1 %)
EBIT: 5,0 Mio. EUR (VJ: 5,8 Mio. EUR, -14 %)
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§ 30e WpHG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sonstige Kapitalmarktinformationen übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel
einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
Anleihe: USD 65.000.000 3,80% DZ BANK Inhaberschuldverschreibungen
Multi Callable unter DIP/EMTN von 2012/2032;
ISIN: XS0850704015;
Emission: A142;
Valuta: 08.11.2012
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adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
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