EANS-News: YOUNIQ AG releases its figures for the first nine months of 2012
Geschrieben am 14-11-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
9-month report
Subtitle: Sell-out of the "Renting and Trading"-portfolio of EUR 25.1
million / Operating profit (EBIT) amounts to EUR 3.5 million /
Consolidated net result positive / First location in Munich completed
and fully let
Frankfurt am Main (euro adhoc) - November 14, 2012 - YOUNIQ AG
brought the first nine months of the financial year 2012 to a close
with a satisfactory operating and earnings trend. The sale of
properties in Karlsruhe and Greifswald in the "Student Housing"
segment in February 2012 marked the closing of the first of four
transactions in total with fund manager MPC Capital. Moreover, the
second quarter saw two new properties acquired in the university
locations of Reutlingen and Düsseldorf. In addition, the first YOUNIQ
project was completed in Munich in the third quarter. The 80
apartments in the Schleissheimer Strasse were fully let within a very
short space of time. A total of 319 units from the property
portfolio, with a transaction volume totalling EUR 25.1 million, were
also sold in the first nine months of 2012.
In the period under review, the YOUNIQ Group generated profit from
changes in valuation of investment properties of EUR 7.5 million
through progress made in the construction of running projects
(previous year: EUR 3.8 million). Rental income was raised to EUR 6.4
million (previous year: EUR 5.6 million) despite the significant
downturn in profit contribution from the "Renting and Trading Real
Estate" business segment due to the sale of properties. At the end of
the first nine months of 2012, EBIT stood at EUR 3.5 million
(previous year: EUR 3.5 million). Consolidated net profit climbed to
EUR 0.1 million compared with the year-earlier period when the Group
disclosed a loss of EUR -1.6 million.
The main impact on the asset position of the YOUNIQ Group in the
reporting period were the two transactions with MPC Capital. There
was a change in the group of consolidated companies owing to the
disposal and derecognition of the properties in Karlsruhe and
Greifswald. This was largely compensated, however, through the
acquisition of the property in Reutlingen and the increase in the
fair value pertaining to project developments. As per September 30,
2012, the Group reported investment property worth EUR 110.4 million
(December 31, 2011: EUR 111.1 million). Total assets had fallen to
EUR 164.9 million (December 31, 2011: EUR 183.7 million) by the end
of the reporting period, which was mainly attributable to disposal
and deconsolidations. On the liabilities side, there was a slight
increase in equity which had risen to EUR 87.7 million by September
30, 2012 (December 31, 2011: EUR 87.6 million). The equity ratio rose
from 47.4% to 53.2% owing to the lower level of total assets. In
addition, the YOUNIQ Group scaled back non-current and current
liabilities significantly by EUR 25.0 million to EUR 77.2 million
(December 31, 2011: EUR 96.1 million). This reduction was
attributable first and foremost to the repayment of loans for
projects as part of transferring the Greifswald and Karlsruhe
locations to MPC.
Rainer Nonnengässer, Chief Executive Officer of YOUNIQ AG, commented
as follows: "We are generally happy with the development of business
in the first nine months of 2012. We have come a great deal closer to
our goal of selling the portfolio in the "Renting and Trading Real
Estate" segment through the disposals made in the first nine months
of 2012. We have also seen our first location in Munich
Schleissheimer Strasse become operational. The swift conclusion to
the letting process is not only exemplary for Munich but also for our
other locations throughout Germany. In this context, our
Frankfurt-Riedberg I and Munich Georg-Wopfner-Strasse projects are
reason for us to be very positive. Both projects are in the final
stage of completion and today's letting status is already 50% and 25%
The Executive Board considers YOUNIQ AG to be excellently positioned
for achieving further growth in the market. With conditions in the
environment remaining positive, the Executive Board anticipates that
business will develop well in 2012 and 2013 and expects positive
results in the business segment "Student Housing".
The Interim Financial Report as at September 30, 2012 is available
for downloading from the company's website at www.youniq-group.de
under the Investor Relations heading.
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
cometis AG
Ulrich Wiehle / Dirk Ulmer
Tel.: +49 (0)611 - 205855-24
Fax: +49 (0)611 - 205855-66
E-Mail: ulmer@cometis.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: YOUNIQ AG
Eschersheimer Landstraße 6
D-60322 Frankfurt am Main
phone: +49(0)69 2474720
FAX: +49(0)69 247472100
mail: ir@youniq.de
WWW: http://www.youniq-group.de
sector: Real Estate
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime
standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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