EANS-News: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA /
Geschrieben am 16-11-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Düsseldorf (euro adhoc) - November 16, 2012
Outperform - Globalize - Simplify - Inspire
Henkel presents growth strategy and financial targets for 2016 -
Strong potential for accelerated growth and increased profitability
in all three business sectors - Financial targets 2016*:
- 20 bn euros sales
- 10 bn euros sales in emerging markets
- 10 % EPS growth (CAGR)**
- Strengthen competitiveness: Focus on brands, innovations, customers
- Expand in emerging markets, leverage strong positions in mature
markets - Increase investments: capex to rise by over 40% to total 2
bn euros - Ongoing adaptation and simplification of processes and
structures - Strengthen global team: Leadership, Talents &
Performance, Diversity
* Including continuous portfolio optimization without major
acquisitions and divestments ** Adjusted earnings per preferred
share, compound annual growth rate
London/Düsseldorf - Today, Henkel presented its new strategy and
financial targets for the period up to 2016. At the same time, the
company reconfirmed its guidance for fiscal 2012 based on its strong
business performance in the first nine months of the year.
"The new strategy builds on the foundation of our corporate values
and will drive Henkel's successful development in the coming years
in order to achieve our long-term vision - to be a global leader
in brands and technologies," explained Henkel CEO, Kasper Rorsted.
"We will outperform our competition as a globalized company with
simplified operations and a highly inspired team - this is the
essence of our new strategy. We will accelerate growth and
increase profitability in all our three business sectors. We are
focusing particularly on the development of our core and growth
categories and the expansion of our businesses in emerging
markets while we are continuously adapting our structures and
strengthening our global team."
The new strategy builds on the successful implementation of the
strategic priorities defined in 2008 for the period up to 2012. The
foundation for the strategy until 2016 was a detailed analysis
of the major long-term market trends. The portfolios of Henkel's
three business sectors were reviewed against these trends to
determine how they are positioned for delivering profitable
growth in their respective markets.
As a result, Henkel has identified considerable potential for
accelerated growth and increased profitability in each of its
business sectors. The company will increase its investments and
raise capital expenditures (capex) by more than 40 percent to a
total of around 2 billion euros until 2016.
Financial targets 2016
By 2016, Henkel aims to grow sales to 20 billion euros, of which
10 billion euros in emerging markets. For adjusted earnings per
preferred share (EPS) Henkel targets a compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 10 percent until 2016.
These financial targets include an active portfolio optimization,
i.e. small and mid-sized acquisitions as well as divestments or the
discontinuation of non-
strategic activities (with total sales of currently around 500 million
euros). Potential major acquisitions or divestments are not accounted for in
the financial targets.
Henkel will continue to focus on strong cash generation driven by reducing net
working capital to around 5 percent of sales by 2016.
Strategic priorities in summary
1. Outperform: Leverage potential in categories Henkel will leverage
its full potential in categories by actively managing its
portfolio, strengthening top brands, launching powerful
innovations and focusing on customers and consumers.
In its core categories, Henkel will continue to invest in
strengthening and expanding its leading positions. In growth
categories, investments will fuel overproportional growth of
existing and new segments. In value categories, investments
will be tailored to maximize profit potential. Henkel will
focus on its strong brands: By 2016, the top 10 brands
will generate approximately 60 percent of total sales (2012: around
46 percent).
To move its innovation capabilities closer to the growing
consumer base in emerging markets, Henkel will open seven new R&D
facilities: in Pune (India), Seoul (Korea), Dubai, Moscow
(Russia), Johannesburg (South Africa), São Paulo (Brasil) and
Toluca (Mexico).
2. Globalize: Focus on regions with high potential In mature markets,
Henkel will leverage its strengths and generate profitable growth
by increased brand investments and continued cost focus. By 2016,
the company aims to gain more top positions while increasing
In emerging markets, Henkel will expand its existing category
positions and accelerate growth in countries where the company has
already a strong presence. In addition, Henkel will selectively
enter new countries. By 2016, 12 out of Henkel's Top 20 countries
are expected to be in emerging markets.
3. Simplify: Drive operational excellence Henkel will continuously
improve its operational excellence by making its processes
faster, more standardized and more digital, driving
cost-efficiency and reducing administration cost.
To expand the global coverage of its Shared Services Centers, Henkel
will make significant investments and plans to open new hubs for
the Arabic speaking region and Greater China/North East Asia in
addition to its existing four Centers. The number of employees in
Shared Services will grow to more than 3,000. A stronger IT
focus will be critical to increase the efficiency of business
processes. Henkel will leverage an integrated global IT
platform supported by incremental IT investments of 140 million euros
until 2016. Henkel will also increase efficiency by sourcing via
global hubs, expanding e-sourcing and reducing the number of
suppliers globally by around 40 percent by 2016.
As Henkel continuously adapts its structures to changing market
environments, the company will optimize its global manufacturing
footprint on an ongoing basis.
4. Inspire: Strengthen our global team To strengthen its global team
Henkel will focus on three areas Leadership, Talents &
Performance and Diversity.
As part of its focus on developing strong leaders, Henkel will
expand its training and development programs, such as the Executive
Resource Program at Harvard Business School. To attract and retain
talents globally, Henkel will strengthen its employer brand and
offer competitive compensation linked to performance. Its revised
Long-Term-Incentive Plan is fully aligned with the new financial
targets for 2016. As a diverse employee base with different cultural
and professional backgrounds provides a competitive advantage,
Henkel promotes diversity by actively managing the dimensions
nationality, age and gender. With around 30 percent women in
management, Henkel has a leading position and strives to increase
this ratio by 1 to 2 percentage points per year.
Long-term sustainability strategy through to 2030 At the beginning of
2012, Henkel already announced its long-term sustainability strategy
with the target to triple its resource efficiency by 2030 and
defined specific intermediate targets for five-year intervals.
Henkel operates worldwide with leading brands and technologies in
three business areas: Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care and Adhesive
Technologies. Founded in 1876, Henkel holds globally leading market
positions both in the consumer and industrial businesses with
well-known brands such as Persil, Schwarzkopf and Loctite. Henkel
employs about 47,000 people and reported sales of 15,605 million
euros and adjusted operating profit of 2,029 million euros in fiscal
2011. Henkel's preferred shares are listed in the German stock index
This document contains forward-looking statements which are
based on the current estimates and assumptions made by the
corporate management of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA. Forward-looking
statements are characterized by the use of words such as expect,
intend, plan, predict, assume, believe, estimate, anticipate,
forecast and similar formulations. Such statements are not to be
understood as in any way guaranteeing that those expectations will
turn out to be accurate. Future performance and the results
actually achieved by Henkel AG & Co. KGaA and its affiliated
companies depend on a number of risks and uncertainties and may
therefore differ materially from the forward-looking statements.
Many of these factors are outside Henkel's control and cannot be
accurately estimated in advance, such as the future economic
environment and the actions of competitors and others involved in
the marketplace. Henkel neither plans nor undertakes to update
forward-looking statements.
Lars Witteck Wulf Klüppelholz
Tel. +49 211 797 - 2606 Tel. +49 211 797 - 1875
Fax +49 211 798 - 4040 Fax +49 211 798 - 4040
E-mail: {0>lars.witteck@henkel.com E-
Mail:<}100{>lars.witteck@henkel.com E-mail:
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Further inquiry note:
Irene Honisch
Assistent Corporate Communications
Tel.: +49 (0)211 797-5668
E-Mail: irene.honisch@henkel.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Henkelstr. 67
D-40191 Düsseldorf
phone: +49 (0)211 797-0
FAX: +49 (0)211 798-4008
WWW: http://www.henkel.com
sector: Consumer Goods
ISIN: DE0006048432, DE0006048408
indexes: DAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language: English
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- EANS-News: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corporate News übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der
Emittent/Meldungsgeber verantwortlich.
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