Jury for 2012 Intercultural Innovation Award Announced / Over 500 organizations from 92 countries have applied for the Award co-sponsored by the UNAOC and the BMW Group
Geschrieben am 21-11-2012 |
New York / Munich (ots) - The five international members of the
jury panel for the 2012 Intercultural Innovation Award, a joint
initiative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW
Group, have been appointed.
Scientific expertise, a high international standing, and
experience on the global stage are among what characterizes the three
women and two men who will now evaluate 514 applications from 92
countries. The Award ceremony is scheduled to take place as part of
the 5th Global Forum of the UNAOC in Vienna, Austria, on February 26,
At the event, ten finalists will present their projects to the
public. Subsequently, high-level representatives of the UN Alliance
of Civilizations and the BMW Group will give the Award to the five
top organizations. The winners will not only receive prize money, but
also individual support and consulting services for the duration of
one year, which are intended to strengthen the success and
sustainability of the award-winning projects.
As former Secretary General of the Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundations
and the initiator of study centers at five renowned universities,
Muna AbuSulayman enjoys an excellent reputation as an expert in
management, education, sustainable development, Islam/West and Female
Empowerment. She is best known in the Arab world as award-winning
media personality and co-host of Kalam Nawaem, the number one Arab TV
program on social issues which led her to be chosen as one of
the influential Arabs and Muslims in the world in numerous lists.
Heather Johnston holds more than 20 years of international
experience in the field of intercultural communication. At present,
she is sharing her expertise gained in Malawi, Honduras, Egypt and
Ghana at the Centre for Intercultural Learning, a leading Canadian
institution in intercultural training. Previously she has worked for
the University of British Columbia, Canada's Department of Foreign
Affairs and International Trade, the Cairo American College, and the
Canadian International Development Agency.
Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg is the founder and Executive Director
of Akili Dada, an award-winning leadership incubator investing in
high-achieving young African women from underprivileged backgrounds
who are passionate about social change. She is on extended leave from
her position as Assistant Professor in the Politics department at
the University of San Francisco. Dr. Kamau-Rutenberg is passionate
about the intersection of rigorous analysis and committed social
Dr. Barry van Driel, who holds a graduate degree in Psychology of
Culture and Religion, is the Vice-President of the International
Association for Intercultural Education and the International
Director for Teacher Training and Curriculum Development at the Anne
Frank House in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In this role, he conducts
numerous interviews on current topics such as xenophobia, racism and
discrimination. He is a member of the UNAOC initiative Global Experts
and has also been a member of last year's Award jury.
Professor Fethi Mansouri is the Director of the Strategic Research
Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation as well as Chair of
Migration and Intercultural Studies at the School of Humanities and
Social Sciences of Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. He is
the editor of the Journal of Intercultural Studies and has served as
Global Expert advisor to the UNAOC on cultural diversity and
international relations.
For further information, please visit
The Intercultural Innovation Award
The UNAOC and the BMW Group have pooled their expertise in
intercultural matters to form a long-term partnership aimed at
fostering understanding and peace across cultural and religious
borders. The Intercultural Innovation Award is unique in that it
introduces a new form of partnership between the private sector and
the UN. The Award selects and supports the most innovative grassroots
projects that encourage intercultural dialogue and cooperation around
the world. The most outstanding projects receive prize money as well
as consulting services from the BMW Group and the UNAOC. With the
Award, the co-sponsors aim to strengthen the projects' efficiency and
encourage their adaptation to other contexts. Project support is
individualized based on the specific needs of Award winners.
For questions please contact:
Antonia Niederländer
BMW Group Corporate and Intergovernmental Affairs
Head of Social Engagement (Corporate Citizenship)
Telephone: +49-(0)89-382-10422, Fax: +49-(0)89-382-10881
E-Mail: presse@bmw.de
Media-Website: www.press.bmwgroup.com
Bas Senior Advisor, Strategic Development and Partnerships
e-mail: jeancb@unops.org
Telephone: +1-212-457-1090, Fax: +1-212-457-4032
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