EANS-News: Firstextile AG continues growth in first nine months of 2012
Geschrieben am 26-11-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
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Subtitle: Growth in revenue of 32% and net profit of 54% compared to
the first nine months of 2011 // Earnings before interest and tax
(EBIT) +52% year-on-year; strong EBIT margin of 25% // Revenues of at
least EUR 160 million and gross profit margin of 32% - 33% expected
for financial year 2012
9-month report
Frankfurt am Main (euro adhoc) - November 26, 2012 - Firstextile AG
(FT8) has today published its financial figures for the first nine
months of 2012, reporting a strong increase in revenues and net
profit, maintaining the previous years' positive trend.
In the first nine months of 2012, the company's total revenues
amounted to EUR 126.8 million compared to EUR 95.9 million in the
same period of 2011 (+32% year-on-year). Revenue increased in all
business segments with the largest growth coming from its Uniform
segment. The company's gross profit increased to EUR 41.0 million
compared to EUR 29.5 million in the previous year (up 39%); this
translates to a gross profit margin of 32% (previous year: 31%).
Firstextile's earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) rose by as much
as 52% to EUR 31.6 million (previous year: EUR 20.8 million),
corresponding to an EBIT margin of 25% (previous year: 22%). Net
profit increased from EUR 16.9 million in the first nine months of
2011 to EUR 26.1 million in the same period in 2012 (up 54%).
Fred Yang, founder and CEO of Firstextile commented: "We are very
proud to present these positive figures following the successful
completion of our IPO two weeks ago. The improvement of our gross
profit margin in the fabrics segment from 24% to 28% shows that our
strategy of focusing on the profitable high-end segment of the
Chinese market is paying off, with 91% of the fabric sales in the
first nine months of 2012 being attributable to high-end fabrics.
Overall we see these results as proof of our appealing business
model, and of our company's high growth-potential."
Firstextile's revenues within the Fabric segment accumulated in the
reporting period to EUR 81.2 million after EUR 73.9 million in 2011
(up 10%). This growth is a result of the shift of the product mix
towards high-end fabrics increasing the average selling price. At 64%
(previous year: 77%), the largest share of total revenues is
generated from this segment. Gross profit also increased
significantly year-on-year, growing with 29% to EUR 22.3 million
(previous year: EUR 17.3 million).
The Uniform segment had the highest year-on-year revenue growth and
increased with 155%, increasing to EUR 30.7 million compared to EUR
12.1 million in the previous year. On a group level the Uniform
segment contributed 24% of total revenues compared to 13% in 2011.
Firstextile launched operations in this segment only as recently as
2011 and obtaining the status as pre-approved supplier for government
institutions and large state-owned enterprises in the past 12 months.
This resulted in some large orders in 2012 and as a result shifted
the overall product mix of the group significantly. Gross profit rose
to EUR 6.9 million registering a year-on-year-growth of 76% (previous
year: EUR 3.9 million).
Revenues in the Shirt segment grew to EUR 14.9 million increasing
with 50% compared to EUR 9.9 million in the previous year and
reflects the continued roll-out of Firstextile's retail distribution
network over 2012. On a group level the Shirts segment contributed
12% of the revenues in the first nine months compared to 10% in the
same period last year. Gross profit increased by 42% year-on-year to
EUR 11.8 million, compared to EUR 8.3 million, representing a gross
profit margin of 80% in the first nine months of 2012.
The company's CFO Richard Cao commented: "We expect that the positive
revenue and profit development of the first nine months will continue
in the final quarter of 2012. For the full year 2012 we estimate that
revenues will exceed EUR 160 million, and that the gross profit
margin will be between 32% and 33%."
The complete 2012 nine-month report can be downloaded from today from
the company's website at www.firstextile.de, within the "Investor
Relations" area.
Company profile Firstextile is the leading manufacturer of high-end
yarn-dyed fabric in the Chinese market with a market share of 9% in
terms of volume in 2011. It also markets fabric and shirts
specifically designed for uniforms used by Chinese government
institutions and enterprises, as well as its own branded men's shirts
for the Chinese premium market segment. The company operates modern
production facilities in Jiangyin near Shanghai, China, which is one
of the main centres of the Chinese textile industry, and it focuses
particularly on high product-quality. Net proceeds from the
successful completion of the IPO on November 12, 2012, will primarily
be used to double annual production capacity from the current 36
million metres to 72 million metres within the next 12 to 18 months.
Further inquiry note:
Firstextile AG
Maggie Wang
Lyoner Straße 14, 60528 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +86 (0) 1390 100 9306
E-Mail: maggie.wang@firstextile.com
cometis AG
Henryk Deter / Claudius Krause
Telefon: +49 (0) 611 205855 -13 / -28
Email: deter@cometis.de / krause@cometis.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Firstextile AG
Lyoner Str. 14
D-60528 Frankfurt am Main
WWW: http://www.firstextile.de
sector: Consumer Goods
stockmarkets: designated to listed: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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