EANS-News: Fair Value REIT-AG /
Fair Value REIT-AG sells two further bank buildings in Schleswig-Holstein at a
Geschrieben am 27-11-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Contracts/Contracts/Real Estate
München (euro adhoc) - Fair Value REIT-AG has agreed to sell two bank
buildings to the north of Hamburg in Bönningstedt (Pinneberg county)
and Ellerau (Segeberg county) as of the transfer date December 31,
2012. Sparkasse Südholstein is the only tenant of the two
fully-rented properties. The agreed purchase prices of EUR 0.25
million for Bönningstedt and EUR 0.48 million for Ellerau
respectively are in total around 8% higher than the market values
determined by valuation experts as of December 31, 2011.
Frank Schaich, CEO of Fair Value REIT-AG, commented on the sales: "As
we declared at the start of 2012, we are making the most of the
tangible increase in demand from investors by selling smaller
properties as part of our portfolio management efforts. Since then we
have already sold six directly held bank and business properties in
Schleswig-Holstein, including the two transactions in Bönningstedt
and Ellerau, with a total volume of EUR 3.25 million. The fact that
the sale proceeds were in total eight percent higher than the market
values determined by valuation experts on the last balance sheet date
underlines the ability of our property portfolio to retain its
Corporate profile
Fair Value REIT-AG, based in Munich, focuses on the acquisition,
leasing, property management and sale of commercial properties in
Germany. At the core of its investment activities are office and
retail properties in German regional centres.
As of September 30, 2012, Fair Value's share of the total portfolio
amounted to around EUR 220 million. This portfolio had an occupancy
rate of 95.1% of the achievable rents at full occupancy of EUR 19.3
million per annum. As of September 30, 2012, the weighted remaining
term of the leases was 5.5 years. Around 44% of the potential rent
relates to retail floor space, 42% to office space and 14% to other
Further inquiry note:
{Fair}[HYPERLINK: mailto:Fair] Value REIT-AG
Frank Schaich
Tel. 089-9292815-10
Fax. 089-9292815-15
e-mail: schaich@fvreit.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Fair Value REIT-AG
Leopoldstraße 244
D-80807 München
phone: +49 (0) 89 9292815 01
FAX: +49 (0) 89 9292815 15
mail: info@fvreit.de
WWW: http://www.fvreit.de
sector: Real Estate
ISIN: DE000A0MW975
indexes: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share, RX REIT All Share Index,
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated
dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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