EANS-Voting Rights: RHI AG / Publication of an Announcement after art. 93 BörseG
with the objective of Europe-web publication
Geschrieben am 07-12-2012 |
Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Release according to article 93 BörseG with the aim of a Europe-wide
Person/company obliged to make the notification:
Name: Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Place: Vienna
State: Austria
Disclosure in accordance with § 93 of the Stock Exchange Act (BörseG)
The Management Board of RHI AG announces that it received a letter on December
5, 2012 stating the following:
"With the disclosure according to §§ 91ff BörseG of October 11, 2010, Raiffeisen
Zentralbank Österreich Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, FN 58882 t (RZB) announced,
also on behalf its consolidated company Raiffeisen Bank International AG,
Vienna, FN 122119f (RBI), that RBI held 2,897,000 shares in RHI AG, Vienna, FN
102123 b (RHI) as of October 10, 2010 due to a restructuring within the group.
RBI hereby announces - also on behalf of RZB (attributable according to § 92 Z 4
BörseG) - that it has agreed to sell its 2,897,000 shares in RHI. It is expected
that with effect from December 7, 2012, 1,448,500 shares in RHI will already be
transferred with respect to property law, whereby RBI will only hold 1,448,500
(presumably) as of this date, which corresponds to a stake of 3.64% (rounded) in
the share capital and the shares with voting rights."
Therefore, the remaining investors with a significant stake in RHI AG are MS
Private Foundation, Austria, with a share exceeding 25% and FEWI
Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany, with a share exceeding 10% in the share
capital and shares with voting rights.
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
Mag. Simon Kuchelbacher
Tel: +43-1-50213-6676
Email: simon.kuchelbacher@rhi-ag.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: RHI AG
Wienerbergstrasse 9
A-1100 Wien
phone: +43 (0)50213-6123
FAX: +43 (0)50213-6130
mail: rhi@rhi-ag.com
WWW: http://www.rhi-ag.com
sector: Refractories
ISIN: AT0000676903
indexes: ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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