
EANS-Adhoc: EBU and Highlight Event extend partnership

Geschrieben am 12-12-2012

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this

Joint Ventures/Cooperation/Collaboration

Geneva/Lucerne, 12 December 2012 Based on their successful marketing
co-operation over the past 10 years, the European Broadcasting Union
(EBU) and Highlight Event AG have agreed an extension of their
partnership. Highlight Event will support the EBU in building-up a
new marketing communication platform around the Eurovision Young
Musicians Event, which is organized by the EBU since 30 years and is
one of the most reputable international young artist competitions in
classical music. With respect to the Eurovision Song Contest 2013,
the EBU and Highlight Event have further decided to take-on the
merchandising activities in a joint-venture in order to further
develop and promote the Eurovision Song Contest brand.

European Broadcasting Union (EBU) / EUROVISION EBU/EUROVISION is the
world's foremost alliance of public service media organizations, with
Members in 56 countries in Europe and beyond and is - besides many
other projects - the organizer of the Eurovision Song Contest as well
as the Eurovision Young Musicians event. The Eurovision Young
Musicians competition has been running biennially since 1982. It is
an international classical music event aiming to offer the widest
possible stage to young talented classical musicians, to help them
embark on an international career. 14 EBU Members joined the
competition in 2012 and the next event is planned for 2014.

Highlight Event AG Highlight Event AG is a Lucerne based company
specialized in the marketing of international culture and
entertainment projects. The company is responsible for the worldwide
marketing of the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of the European
Broadcasting Union (EBU) as well as of the Vienna Philharmonic
Orchestra. Highlight Event AG emerged from the Music Division of TEAM
Marketing AG and has been taken over in February 2012 by the
Highlight Event & Entertainment AG group.

Further inquiry note:
Ferdinand von Strantz, CEO/Highlight Event AG, f.strantz@highlightevent.ch, Tel:
+41 41 226 05 95, www.highlightevent.ch
Annika Nyberg-Frankenhaeuser, Media Director/EBU, nyberg@ebu.ch,
Tel: + 41 22 717 21 11

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Highlight Event and Entertainment AG
Industriestrasse 34
CH-3186 Düdingen
phone: 026 492 75 55
FAX: 026 492 75 60
mail: info@hlee.ch
WWW: www.hlee.ch
sector: Tourism & Leisure
ISIN: CH0003583256
indexes: SPI, SPIEX, SPI ex SLI
stockmarkets: Main Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English


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