
EANS-News: PVA TePla AG / Assessment of the business development for 2013 - Forecast for 2012 approved

Geschrieben am 20-12-2012

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Financial Figures/Balance Sheet

Wettenberg (euro adhoc) - (Wettenberg, December 20, 2012) - The
Supervisory Board of PVA TePla AG, Wettenberg - a manufacturer of
equipment for the crystallization of silicon and of vacuum and
high-temperature systems - has approved the plans of the Management
Board for the 2013 fiscal year. For the next year consolidated sales
revenues in the range of EUR 90 - 100 million are expected. The
achievable reduction of the cost base by short-time work and
reduction of non-personnel costs at the locations Wettenberg and Jena
will contribute to a positive operating profit and net profit in
2013. A more accurate forecast of the company's development at that
moment does not to appear meaningful in view of the weak world
economic development and the hesitant willingness of customers to
invest in a number of major markets. The forecast for the fiscal year
2012 published in early November is confirmed.

In important markets such as hard metals and semiconductors two
significant trends are currently evident: on the one hand in the last
two years a significant capacity-expansion has been seen, on the
other hand, the growth of the world economy has decreased
significantly since 2012. These two factors lead to a reduced
willingness to invest on the customer's side. Nevertheless, there is
a larger number of promising projects in the business units due to
the technological progress and the need for ever more efficient
materials and the future capacity-expansion thanks to an emerging
rising global economic growth.

The solar market is characterized by significant overcapacity, so
that major investment decisions should be made only in the course of
the next years. However, even in this difficult market environment
project talks with customers are currently made who intend to build
up their own production capacities with additional consideration of
political economic reasons. These projects have not, however, the
size of already implemented supply contracts in the past. For 2014
and subsequent years PVA TePla again assumes a significant increase
in sales revenues growth and an operating profit in the known scale.

Further inquiry note:
Dr. Gert Fisahn
Telefon: +49(0)641 68690-400
E-Mail: gert.fisahn@pvatepla.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: PVA TePla AG
Im Westpark 10-12
D-35435 Wettenberg
phone: +49(0)641 68690-0
FAX: +49(0)641 68690-800
mail: ir@pvatepla.com
WWW: http://www.pvatepla.com
sector: Misc. Industrials
ISIN: DE0007461006
indexes: CDAX
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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