EANS-News: Hypoport AG / EUROPACE marketplace grows by 36 per cent
Geschrieben am 11-01-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information/Volume of transactions
Berlin, (euro adhoc) - The volume of transactions processed on
Germany's biggest marketplace for financial products grew by 36 per
cent year on year to approximately EUR29 billion in 2012. This
increase of EUR7.7 billion compared with 2011 is the largest annual
growth achieved in absolute terms since EUROPACE was launched. Some
15 per cent of the total volume of mortgage finance provided in
Germany is now routed via EUROPACE.
"The strong growth generated by the EUROPACE marketplace comfortably
outperformed the growth achieved by the market as a whole. This is
proof positive that the enormous potential offered by this
marketplace makes it the model of the future for the financial
services industry", enthused Thilo Wiegand, Chief Executive Officer
of Europace AG, about the volume of transactions reported for 2012.
All three product segments contributed to this growth. The huge
appeal of building finance products caused the volume of transactions
in this business line to jump by 77 per cent year on year to EUR5.11
billion (2011: EUR2.88 billion). The value of personal loans brokered
rose by 4 per cent to EUR1.14 billion (2011: EUR1.1 billion). The
volume of mortgage finance products sold grew by 31 per cent year on
year to EUR22.62 billion (2011: EUR17.21 billion), which meant that
this business line continued to account for the largest proportion of
EUROPACE's aggregate transaction volume.
Performance of the EUROPACE platform in the fourth quarter The total
volume of transactions processed on EUROPACE in the fourth quarter of
2012 grew by 13 per cent year on year to EUR7.07 billion (Q4 2011:
EUR6.26 billion). The value of mortgage finance products sold in the
last three months of 2012 rose by 8 per cent year on year to EUR5.48
billion (Q4 2011: EUR5.09 billion). The volume of transactions in
personal loans also advanced by 8 per cent, totalling EUR0.28 billion
(Q4 2011: EUR0.26 billion). The value of building finance products
sold increased by 44 per cent on the corresponding quarter of 2011 to
EUR1.31 billion (Q4 2011: EUR0.91 billion).
Information on Europace AG Europace AG operates EUROPACE, which is an
online B2B financial marketplace and the largest German transaction
platform offering mortgages, building finance products and personal
loans. A fully integrated system links roughly 200 partners - banks,
insurers and financial product distributors. Several thousand users
execute over 20,000 transactions worth a total of up to EUR3 billion
on EUROPACE every month. Based in Berlin, Europace AG is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Hypoport AG, which employs more than 500 people
and is listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
Further inquiry note:
Michaela Reimann
Head of Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 42086 1936
E-Mail: michaela.reimann@hypoport.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Hypoport AG
Klosterstraße 71
D-10179 Berlin
phone: +49(0)30 42086-0
FAX: +49(0)30 42086-1999
mail: ir@hypoport.de
WWW: http://www.hypoport.de
sector: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: DE0005493365
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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