
EANS-News: C.A.T. oil successfully drives 2013 tendering campaign

Geschrieben am 15-01-2013

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Subtitle: • Tenders for three-year hydraulic fracturing contracts
worth EUR 190 million awarded by Lukoil and TNK-BP • Around
one-fourth of hydraulic fracturing capacities successfully marketed
for 2013-2015 • C.A.T. oil well under way to successfully
accomplishing its 2013 tendering campaign

Company Information

Vienna, 15 January 2013 (euro adhoc) - C.A.T. oil AG (O2C, ISIN:
AT0000A00Y78), one of the leading providers of oil and gas field
services in Russia and Kazakhstan, today announced that its operating
subsidiary CATKoneft has been awarded tenders for conclusion of two
three-year hydraulic fracturing contracts by Lukoil and TNK-BP worth
EUR 110 million and EUR 80 million, respectively (based on a
rouble-to-euro exchange rate of 40). Having around one-fourth of its
hydraulic fracturing capacities already marketed for a three-year
period starting 2013 and further tenders being at an advanced stage,
the Company is well poised to accomplish its 2013 tendering campaign
in the upcoming weeks.

Manfred Kastner, CEO of C.A.T. oil, commented: "Based on C.A.T. oil's
well balanced and comprehensive service offering we enthusiastically
entered the tendering campaign in Q4 2012 full of optimism. We are
proud to announce today that we have been very efficient in marketing
our capacities so far and stayed upbeat about prospects for another
year of profitable growth for C.A.T. oil."

What makes the contracts particularly special is their duration. The
oil and gas field service industry in Russia operates predominately
on the basis of one-year contracts, and only preferred high quality
contractors enjoy awards of multi-year contracts.

Manfred Kastner added: "The awards of these three-year contracts by
Lukoil and TNK-BP, both long-standing and highly respected customers,
not only enhance longer-term visibility of the Company's revenues but
also underscore the customers' trust in C.A.T. oil. We will build
upon this trust going forward and will further strengthen our
position in the market being first choice when high class quality,
reliability and efficiency are the name of the game."

The contracts' underlying hydraulic fracturing services will be
accomplished primarily in the Kogalym and Nizhnevartovsk region in
West Siberia.


Press contact:
FTI Consulting
Thomas M. Krammer
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com

Steffi Fahjen
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-115
Email: steffi.fahjen@fticonsulting.com

About C.A.T. oil AG

C.A.T. oil AG is one of the leading providers of oil and gas field
services in Russia and Kazakhstan and is listed on the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange (SDAX). C.A.T. oil offers a wide spectrum of services
to increase the lifecycle of an oil field or to make unexploited oil
fields accessible. The Company's growth is driven by the following
factors: Existing oil fields need to be stimulated due to shrinking
oil and gas resources in order to optimize capacities.
Simultaneously, idle wells are reactivated or made accessible through
new methods in order to deploy wells to their maximum. Additionally,
C.A.T. oil has established conventional drilling as third core
service which allows to access completely unexploited oil and gas
reserves. Since its foundation in 1991 in Celle, Germany, C.A.T. oil
has built up a leading hydraulic fracturing services business in
Russia and Kazakhstan. Following its IPO in 2006 the Company has
invested more than EUR 250 million in additional services and
capacities: sidetrack drilling has become the Company's second core
business. In 2011, the Company initiated a comprehensive investment
program with a volume of EUR 150 million, focusing on the set up of
high class conventional drilling as third core service offering. The
new service line was fully installed in 2012. C.A.T. oil's portfolio
also includes cementing and seismic services. With its
state-of-the-art technology the Company clearly differentiates itself
in its core markets as the equipment allows for very time-efficient
and effective deployment. C.A.T. oil's customer base includes the
leading Russian and Kazakh oil and gas producers amongst them
Gazprom, KazMunaiGaz, LUKOIL, Rosneft and TNK-BP. C.A.T. oil has a
long-standing relationship with these customers and has been a
reliable service provider since its market entrance in the early
nineties. The Company has its headquarters in Vienna. In 9M 2012, the
Company employed an average of 2,469 people, most of which are based
in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Further inquiry note:
Thomas Krammer
Tel: +49(0)69-92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: C.A.T. oil AG
Kärtner Ring 11-13
A-A-1010 Wien
phone: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 0
FAX: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 20
mail: ir@catoilag.com
WWW: http://www.catoilag.com
sector: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities
ISIN: AT0000A00Y78
indexes: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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