EANS-News: SYGNIS Pharma AG / SYGNIS is granted the European and US patent for a
very versatile and efficient drug screening platform
Geschrieben am 15-01-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Patents, Copyright & Trademarks
Heidelberg (euro adhoc) - Press Release
SYGNIS is granted the European and US patent for a very versatile and
efficient drug screening platform
- The patents protect a new procedure for screening and
characterizing drugs in development, based on detection of
protein-protein interactions
- Detection of protein-protein interaction is becoming increasingly
important for developing new drugs as such technologies can simplify
assays and enable screening for new drugs with a fully novel approach
- SYGNIS' new technology broadens the possibilities for obtaining
novel drugs
- SYGNIS intends to license the new technology to a distribution
- SYGNIS concluded its merger with the Spanish company X-Pol, a
member of the GENETRIX Group, in December last year
Heidelberg, 15 January 2013 - The biotech company SYGNIS Pharma AG
(Frankfurt: LIO1; ISIN: DE000A1RFM03; Prime Standard) has been
granted the European and US patent for a new basic technology for the
detection of protein-protein interactions, a screening platform for
the development of novel drugs. In the words of SYGNIS' CEO, Pilar de
la Huerta, "the technology will be licensed to a distribution partner
and we expect to see our first revenues during the current financial
year 2013."
Protein-protein interactions falls within the scope of proteomics, a
field that is growing in importance for research into new customized
drugs. SYGNIS' new platform can be used to improve the
characterization of new drugs in development and identification of
new therapeutic targets. SYGNIS' technology will increase the
potential for generating better drugs within the customized drug
development field. Following its merger with the Spanish company
X-Pol, which forms part of the GENETRIX Group, SYGNIS aims to become
a key player in the growing market for molecular tools and
personalized medicine.
SYGNIS aims to use these patents, together with its recent company
restructuring and successful implementation of the polymerase
QualiPhiTM, to enhance the impetus it announced on its merger with
X-Pol and become a prominent player in the growing market for new DNA
tools and customized drugs, a sector that has seen a two-digit growth
rate over the last few years. According to sources from SYGNIS, this
transformation will enable it to obtain its first revenues in 2013
and operating profit in successive years.
For further information please contact:
Peter Willinger
Tel.: +49 6221 454 836
E-mail: peter.willinger@sygnis.de
About SYGNIS Pharma AG: www.sygnis.de
SYGNIS Pharma AG (Heidelberg, Germany) is a biotech company listed in
the Prime Standard of the German Stock Exchange (Ticker: LIO1; ISIN:
DE000A1RFM03). According to the 2012 newly defined business strategy,
the Company focuses on the development and marketing of novel
technologies in molecular biology, e.g. in the field of DNA
amplification and sequencing. For the key product "QualiPhiTM", an
improved polymerase for amplifying DNA, an exclusive worldwide
license has been granted to Qiagen.
### Disclaimer Some statements included in this press release,
relating neither to proven financial results nor other historical
data, should be viewed as forward-looking, i.e. not definite. Such
statements are mainly predictions of future results, trends, plans or
goals. These statements should not be considered to be total
guarantees since given their very nature they are subject to known
and unknown risks and imponderability and can be affected by other
factors as a consequence of which the actual results, plans and goals
of SYGNIS Pharma AG may deviate greatly from the established
conclusions or implied predictions contained in such statements.
SYGNIS does not undertake to publicly update or revise these
statements in the light of new information or future results or for
any other reason. ###
Further inquiry note:
Michael Wolf
Telefon: +49 (6221) 454 - 6
E-Mail: Michael.Wolf@sygnis.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: SYGNIS Pharma AG
Im Neuenheimer Feld 515
D-69120 Heidelberg
phone: +49 (0)6221 454-6
FAX: +49 (0)6221 454-777
mail: contact@sygnis.de
WWW: http://www.sygnis.de
sector: Biotechnology
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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