EANS-News: SinnerSchrader AG / Start in the 2012/2013 financial year according
to plan / Revenue of 9.2 million euros only slightly below previous year /
Incoming orders in the Interactive Marketing s
Geschrieben am 17-01-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
3-month report
Hamburg, 17 January 2013 (euro adhoc) - SinnerSchrader started the
new 2012/2013 financial year according to plan. In the first quarter
of the current financial year (1 September to 30 November 2012), the
company achieved net revenue in the amount of 9.2 million euros and
EBITA in the amount of 0.6 million euros before start-up losses for
the establishment of NEXT AUDIENCE.
Figures for revenue fell short of the figures for the previous year
by 0.1 million euros and EBITA (before start-up losses for NEXT
AUDIENCE) was slightly more than 0.2 million euros below the figures
for the previous year, mainly because of previous year's decline in
revenue and profits in the spot-media Group, which can only be
gradually regained.
As already announced, spot-media AG has now merged with next commerce
GmbH. The new unit, which focuses on e-commerce and has locations in
Hamburg, Berlin and Hanover, does business under the name of Commerce
Plus GmbH following entry of the merger in the Commercial Register on
18 December 2012.
In the first quarter of 2012/2013, start-up losses of just under 0.4
million euros were made for the development of NEXT AUDIENCE, with
the effect that EBITA for the Group totalled 0.2 million euros, which
is 0.4 million euros below the comparable value of the previous year.
At 0.3 million euros below the figure for the previous year, net
income in the quarter of the report was just below the zero level.
Incoming orders were very pleasing in the Interactive Marketing
segment, which is now made up of the SinnerSchrader agency and
SinnerSchrader Mobile due to the merger of the spot-media Group and
next commerce GmbH. Incoming orders increased by more than 30 per
cent over those of the previous year. New contracts with existing
customers played a significant role.
Thus, Karstadt has awarded SinnerSchrader the contract for the
implementation of a new e-commerce platform in November 2012.
Business was considerably increased with the Czech car manufacturer
ŠKODA after its decision in favour of SinnerSchrader as the global
digital lead agency. In the quarter of the report, SinnerSchrader
Mobile reported new orders from existing customers with the Group,
such as Unitymedia, Ernsting's Family and mobilcom-debitel, for which
a mobile service app, "mein md", has already been implemented.
SinnerSchrader is therefore confident that the defined annual targets
can be reached.
As in the previous year, a substantial increase in funds tied up in
working capital due to a reluctance of major customers to pay as part
of their year-end planning as at 30 November 2012 resulted in a
negative operating cash flow of 1.65 million euros. Liquid funds thus
amounted to only 3 million euros on the reporting date, after 5.2
million euros as at 31 August 2012.
The shareholders' equity rate was 57.8 per cent on the balance sheet
date, i.e. 0.9 percentage points above the rate on 31 August 2012. At
the end of the quarter of the report, there were 432 employees in the
SinnerSchrader Group, i.e. 12 more than on 31 August 2012.
The complete quarterly report of the SinnerSchrader Group will be
available from 3 p.m. today at
ABOUT SINNERSCHRADER SinnerSchrader is one of Europe's leading
digital agencies. It develops interactive strategies, platforms and
applications that create far-reaching relationships between the
consumer and brand. More than 400 people work for the SinnerSchrader
Group in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Prague and Hanover for
customers including Allianz, ŠKODA, TUI, Tchibo, simyo, REWE,
comdirect bank, PPR Group, and Holy Fashion Group. SinnerSchrader was
founded in 1996 and went public in 1999.
Benjamin Nickel
Head of Corporate Communications?
Thomas Dyckhoff?
SinnerSchrader Aktiengesellschaft?
Völckersstraße 38
22765 Hamburg
T. +49. 40. 39 88 55-0
F. +49. 40. 39 88 55-55
Further inquiry note:
Thomas Dyckhoff
Telefon: +49(0)40 398855-113
E-Mail: t.dyckhoff@sinnerschrader.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: SinnerSchrader AG
Völckersstraße 38
D-22765 Hamburg
phone: +49(0)40-398855-0
FAX: +49(0)40-398855-55
mail: info@sinnerschrader.de
WWW: http://www.sinner-schrader.de
sector: Software
ISIN: DE0005141907
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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