EANS-News: SHW AG generates sales at the upper end of the projected band width
Geschrieben am 17-01-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
annual result
Aalen (euro adhoc) - Group sales grow 2.5 percent to EUR 325 million
between January and December 2012 - Sales in the Pumps and Engine
Components business segment climb 5.7 percent to EUR 238 million -
Further growth planned for 2013
Aalen, 17 January 2013. SHW AG, one of the leading suppliers of
CO2-relevant pumps and engine components as well as brake discs,
generated sales in financial year 2012 at the upper end of the
projected EUR 318 - 325 million band width. According to preliminary
calculations, consolidated sales from continuing operations
(excluding STT) improved by 2.5 percent to EUR 325 million.
Thanks to production start-ups and growing sales contributions from
variable oil pumps and start-stop pumps, the Pumps and Engine
Components business segment reported a 5.7 percent increase in sales
to EUR 238 million (previous year: EUR 225 million). As expected, the
Brake Discs business segment couldn't realize the previous year's
sales level of EUR 92.2 million and generated total sales of EUR 87
"Despite the considerable decline in European vehicle production, we
were able to stay on our growth track and to reach the upper end of
the target corridor thanks to our CO2-relevant products and
advantageous customer structure," says CEO Dr. Wolfgang Krause, who
is in charge of the Pumps and Engine Components business segment.
While the market conditions in Europe remain difficult, SHW projects
continued growth for the financial year 2013.
The preliminary key financial figures for the financial year 2012 are
scheduled to be published in the 6th or 7th calendar week 2013.
About SHW The enterprise was established in 1365, making it one of
the oldest industrial enterprises in Germany. Today, the SHW Group is
a leading supplier for the automotive industry with products that
contribute to a reduction of fuel consumption and consequently CO2
emissions. In its Pumps and Engine Components business segment, the
SHW Group develops and produces pumps for passenger vehicles and
truck and off-highway applications, e.g. trucks, farm and
construction vehicles, stationary motors and wind power stations. The
Brake Discs business segment develops and produces monobloc
ventilated brake discs made of cast iron and lightweight brake discs
made from a combination of an iron friction ring and an aluminium
pot. Customers of the SHW Group include leading producers of
passenger cars and commercial vehicles with manufacturing facilities
in Europe and North America. The SHW Group has four manufacturing
sites in Germany, located in Bad Schussenried, Aalen-Wasseralfingen,
Tuttlingen- Ludwigstal and Neuhausen ob Eck. With more than 1,000
employees, the SHW Group generated sales from continuing operations
in 2012 of approx. EUR 325 million. Further information is available
at: www.shw.de
Future-oriented statements This press release contains certain
future-oriented statements that are based upon current assumptions
and forecasts made by the management of SHW AG. Various known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors may lead to the actual
results, financial position, development or performance of the
company deviating considerably from the appraisals specified here.
The company assumes no obligation to update future-oriented
statements of this nature or adapt them to future events or
Note This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell
securities in the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Japan
or any other jurisdictional territory where offers are subject to
statutory restrictions. The securities named in this announcement may
only be sold or offered for sale in the United States of America
following their prior registration in accordance with the provisions
of the version of the US Securities Act of 1933 currently in force
(the "Securities Act") or, without prior registration, only on the
basis of an exemption. Unless provided for by certain exceptions
within the Securities Act, the securities named within this
announcement may not be sold or offered for sale in Australia, Canada
or Japan, nor may they be sold or offered for sale to or for account
of residents of Australia, Canada or Japan. No registration of the
offer or sale of the securities named in this announcement will take
place, as stipulated by the relevant statutory provisions in Canada,
Australia and Japan. There is no public solicitation to buy
securities in the United States of America.
Further inquiry note:
Michael Schickling
Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Telephone: +49 (0) 7361 502 462
Email: michael.schickling@shw.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: SHW AG
Wilhelmstrasse 67
D-73433 Aalen
phone: +49 7361 502-1
FAX: +49 7361 502-674
mail: ir@shw.de
WWW: http://www.shw.de
sector: Automotive Equipment
stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime
standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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