
EANS-Voting Rights: WINCOR NIXDORF Aktiengesellschaft / Release according to article 26, section 1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of Europe-wide distribution

Geschrieben am 18-01-2013

Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG (share)

Person/company obliged to make the notification:

Name: cf. announcement text below
Place: cf. announcement text below
State: cf. announcement text below

Publication pursuant to § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG

1. In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 1 WpHG Artisan Partners Limited
Partnership, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-5408, USA, has informed us that on
January 11, 2013, the stake in the voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG, Heinz-
Nixdorf-Ring 1, 33106 Paderborn, Germany, fell below the threshold of 5%. On
that date, Artisan Partners Limited Partnership held 4.94% in relation to all
voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG (voting rights arising from 1,634,062
ordinary shares (Stammaktien)). All such voting rights were attributable to
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership pursuant to section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6
WpHG. Of such voting rights, more than 3% in relation to all voting rights in
Wincor Nixdorf AG were voting rights arising from shares held by Artisan
Partners Funds, Inc.

2. In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 1 WpHG Artisan Investments GP LLC,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-5408, USA, has informed us that on January 11, 2013,
the stake in the voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG, Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1,
33106 Paderborn, Germany, fell below the threshold of 5%. On that date, Artisan
Investments GP LLC held 4.94% in relation to all voting rights in Wincor
Nixdorf AG (voting rights arising from 1,634,062 ordinary shares (Stammaktien)).
All such voting rights were attributable to Artisan Investments GP LLC pursuant
to section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sentences 2 and 3 WpHG. Of
such voting rights, more than 3% in relation to all voting rights in
Wincor Nixdorf AG were voting rights arising from shares held by
Artisan Partners Funds, Inc.

3. In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 1 WpHG Artisan Partners Holdings
LP, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-5408, USA, has informed us that on January 11,
2013, the stake in the voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG,
Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1, 33106 Paderborn, Germany, fell below the threshold of 5%.
On that date, Artisan Partners Holdings LP held 4.94% in relation to all voting
rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG (voting rights arising from 1,634,062 ordinary
shares (Stammaktien)).
All such voting rights were attributable to Artisan Partners Holdings LP
pursuant to section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sentences 2 and 3
WpHG. Of such voting rights, more than 3% in relation to all voting rights in
Wincor Nixdorf AG were voting rights arising from shares held by Artisan
Partners Funds, Inc.

4. In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 1 WpHG Artisan Investment
Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-5408, USA, has informed us that on
January 11, 2013, the stake in the voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG, Heinz-
Nixdorf-Ring 1, 33106 Paderborn, Germany, fell below the threshold of 5%. On
that date, Artisan Investment Corporation held 4.94% in relation to all voting
rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG (voting rights arising from 1,634,062 ordinary
shares (Stammaktien)). All such voting rights were attributable to Artisan
Investment Corporation pursuant to section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection
with sentences 2 and 3 WpHG. Of such voting rights, more than 3% in relation to
all voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG were voting rights arising from shares
held by Artisan Partners Funds, Inc.

5. In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 1 WpHG ZFIC, Inc., Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53202-5408, USA, has informed us that on January 11, 2013, the stake
in the voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG, Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1, 33106
Paderborn, Germany, fell below the threshold of 5%. On that date, ZFIC, Inc.,
held 4.94% in relation to all voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG (voting rights
arising from 1,634,062 ordinary shares (Stammaktien)).
All such voting rights were attributable to ZFIC, Inc., pursuant to section 22
(1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sentences 2 and 3 WpHG. Of such voting
rights, more than 3% in relation to all voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG were
voting rights arising from shares held by Artisan Partners Funds, Inc.

6. In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 1 WpHG Mr. Andrew A. Ziegler, USA,
has informed us that on January 11, 2013, the stake in the voting rights in
Wincor Nixdorf AG, Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1, 33106 Paderborn, Germany, fell below
the threshold of 5%. On that date, Mr. Andrew A. Ziegler held 4.94% in relation
to all voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG (voting rights arising from 1,634,062
ordinary shares (Stammaktien)). All such voting rights were attributable to Mr.
Andrew A. Ziegler pursuant to section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with
sentences 2 and 3 WpHG. Of such voting rights,
more than 3% in relation to all voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG were voting
rights arising from shares held by Artisan Partners Funds, Inc.

7. In accordance with Section 21 Paragraph 1 WpHG Ms. Carlene M. Ziegler, USA,
has informed us that on January 11, 2013, the stake in the voting rights in
Wincor Nixdorf AG, Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1, 33106 Paderborn, Germany, fell below
the threshold of 5%. On that date, Ms. Carlene M. Ziegler held 4.94% in relation
to all voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG (voting rights arising from 1,634,062
ordinary shares (Stammaktien)). All such voting rights were attributable to Ms.
Carlene M. Ziegler pursuant to section 22 (1) sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with
sentences 2 and 3 WpHG. Of such voting rights, more than 3% in relation to all
voting rights in Wincor Nixdorf AG were voting rights arising from shares held
by Artisan Partners Funds, Inc.

Paderborn, January 18, 2013 Wincor Nixdorf AG
Board of Directors

Further inquiry note:
Andrea Knepper
Tel.: +49 (0)5251 693-4001
E-Mail: andrea.knepper@wincor-nixdorf.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: WINCOR NIXDORF Aktiengesellschaft
Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1
D-33106 Paderborn
phone: +49 (0)5251 693 30
FAX: +49 (0)5251 693 6767
mail: info@wincor-nixdorf.com
WWW: http://www.wincor-nixdorf.com
sector: Computing & Information Technology
indexes: MDAX, CDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, München, Hamburg, Stuttgart, regulated
dealing: Berlin, Düsseldorf, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language: English


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