EANS-Voting Rights: Klöckner & Co SE / Release according to article 26, section
1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of Europe-wide distribution
Geschrieben am 25-01-2013 |
Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Announcement according to Article 25a, Section 1 of the WpHG (financial/other
Person/company obliged to make the notification:
Name: Société Générale S.A.
Place: Paris
State: France
Notification of voting rights pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG
We received the following notification pursuant to sec. 25a WpHG on January 24,
1. Listed company:
Klöckner & Co SE
Am Silberpalais 1, 47057 Duisburg, Germany
2. Notifier:
Société Générale S.A., Paris, France
3. Triggering event:
Exceeding threshold
4. Threshold(s) crossed or reached:
5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached:
January 18, 2013
6. Total amount of voting rights:
9.79% (equals 9,721,063 voting rights)
calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued:
7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:
7.1 Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to
sec. 25a WpHG:
9.75% (equals 9,721,063 voting rights)
thereof held indirectly:
4.935% (equals 4,877,349 voting rights)
7.2 Voting rights proportion based on financial/other instruments pursuant to
sec. 25 WpHG:
0.00% (equals 0 voting rights)
thereof held indirectly:
0.00% (equals 0 voting rights)
7.3 Voting rights pursuant to sec. 21, 22 WpHG:
0.04% (equals 45,716 voting rights)
8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments pursuant to sec. 25a
8.1 Chain of controlled undertakings:
Société Générale Effekten GmbH, Neue Mainzer Str. 36, 60311 Frankfurt, Germany
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG14619; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG14627; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG26X47; Maturity: 19/12/14
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG26X54; Maturity: 19/12/14
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG26X62; Maturity: 19/12/14
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG26X70; Maturity: 15/12/17
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG2ETX1; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG2HPY0; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG2HPZ7; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG2WBP7; Maturity: 15/12/17
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG2WBQ5; Maturity: 15/12/17
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJE6; Maturity: 19/12/14
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJF3; Maturity: 19/12/14
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJG1; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJH9; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJJ5; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJK3; Maturity: 16/12/16
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJL1; Maturity: 16/12/16
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJM9; Maturity: 16/12/16
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJN7; Maturity: 16/12/16
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJP2; Maturity: 16/12/16
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJQ0; Maturity: 15/12/17
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Listed call War
DE000SG3UJR8; Maturity: 15/12/17
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Structured Call
option; Maturity: 15/12/17
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Structured Call
option; Maturity: 16/12/16
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Structured Call
option; Maturity: 18/12/15
ISIN or Name/Description of the (financial/other) instrument: Structured Call
option; Maturity: 19/12/14
Further inquiry note:
Dr. Jan Liersch
Tel: +49(0) 203 307 2284
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Klöckner & Co SE
Am Silberpalais 1
D-47057 Duisburg
phone: +49(0)203-307-0
FAX: +49(0)203-307-5000
mail: info@kloeckner.de
WWW: http://www.kloeckner.de
sector: Metal Goods & Engineering
ISIN: DE000KC01000
indexes: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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