
EANS-News: C.A.T. oil achieves all-time high in its order book

Geschrieben am 30-01-2013

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Subtitle: • Order book volume of EUR 392 million for 2013 exceeds
previous year’s level by 47% • Increased mid-term revenue visibility
through the 2013-15 total orders worth EUR 530 million • Additional
orders expected later in the year

Company Information

Vienna, 30 January 2013 (euro adhoc) - C.A.T. oil AG (O2C, ISIN:
AT0000A00Y78), one of the leading providers of oil and gas field
services in Russia and Kazakhstan, has successfully accomplished its
2013 tendering campaign: As of 30 January - and thus way ahead of the
routine schedule - the Company's order book for 2013 reached a new
historic high of EUR 392 million (based on a rouble-to-euro exchange
rate of 40). This represents an increase of 47% compared to the same
period last year and includes orders for hydraulic fracturing,
sidetracking and high class drilling services. In addition to the
tenders for 2013, C.A.T. oil has already received further assignments
for 2014 and 2015. With the total order book volume of EUR 530
million for the next three years C.A.T. oil has thus built up a sound
foundation that enables mid-term revenue visibility and planning
reliability for the upcoming years.

Manfred Kastner, CEO of C.A.T. oil, commented: "We are very proud of
the Company's 2013 tendering campaign: With the early achieved
all-time high in service orders, which are up 47% compared to 2012,
we have demonstrated our ability of being not only fast but also very
efficient in marketing our services. Based on our experience, we
expect the current orders worth EUR 392 million to represent about
90% to 95% of revenues for the full year 2013 and we are confident
about getting additional orders in the course of the year."

The accomplished tendering campaign stands out from previous
campaigns in two particular respects: The Company's capacity has not
only been marketed faster than ever before but also, and even more
importantly, the time horizon for the orders has extended to a period
of three years.

Manfred Kastner added: "Our success in the 2013 tendering campaign
underpins two important facts. It demonstrates our ability to read
the market and anticipate our customers' needs. But it also shows our
customers' confidence in favorable macroeconomic environment and
promising business opportunities in our core markets, Russia and
Kazakhstan. We are well positioned for another year of growth in our
Company's history and by building upon the achieved revenue
visibility and planning reliability will further strengthen our
competitive advantage."

C.A.T. oil will publish its results for Fiscal Year 2012 on 30 April


Press contact:
FTI Consulting
Thomas M. Krammer
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com

Steffi Fahjen
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-115
Email: steffi.fahjen@fticonsulting.com

About C.A.T. oil AG

C.A.T. oil AG is one of the leading providers of oil and gas field
services in Russia and Kazakhstan and is listed on the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange (SDAX). C.A.T. oil offers a wide spectrum of services
to increase the lifecycle of an oil field or to make unexploited oil
fields accessible. The Company's growth is driven by the following
factors: Existing oil fields need to be stimulated due to shrinking
oil and gas resources in order to optimize capacities.
Simultaneously, idle wells are reactivated or made accessible through
new methods in order to deploy wells to their maximum. Additionally,
C.A.T. oil has established high class drilling as third core service
which allows to access completely unexploited oil and gas reserves.
Since its foundation in 1991 in Celle, Germany, C.A.T. oil has built
up a leading hydraulic fracturing services business in Russia and
Kazakhstan. Following its IPO in 2006 the Company has invested more
than EUR 250 million in additional services and capacities: Sidetrack
drilling has become the Company's second core business. In 2011, the
Company initiated a comprehensive investment program with a volume of
EUR 150 million, focusing on the set up of high class drilling as
third core service offering. The new service line was fully installed
in 2012. C.A.T. oil's portfolio also includes cementing and seismic
services. With its state-of-the-art technology the Company clearly
differentiates itself in its core markets as the equipment allows for
very time-efficient and effective deployment. C.A.T. oil's customer
base includes the leading Russian and Kazakh oil and gas producers
amongst them Gazprom, KazMunaiGaz, LUKOIL, Rosneft and TNK-BP. C.A.T.
oil has a long-standing relationship with these customers and has
been a reliable service provider since its market entrance in the
early nineties. The Company has its headquarters in Vienna. In 9M
2012, the Company employed an average of 2,469 people, most of which
are based in Russia and Kazakhstan.

Further inquiry note:
Thomas Krammer
Tel: +49(0)69-92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: C.A.T. oil AG
Kärtner Ring 11-13
A-A-1010 Wien
phone: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 0
FAX: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 20
mail: ir@catoilag.com
WWW: http://www.catoilag.com
sector: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities
ISIN: AT0000A00Y78
indexes: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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