EANS-Adhoc: A-TEC INDUSTRIES AG announces plans to restart Business Activities
Geschrieben am 04-02-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Vienna, Feb.4, 2013: The board of directors of A-TEC INDUSTRIES AG
(ISIN AT00000ATEC9) ("A-TEC") announces today: As per Ad-hoc
information of Nov. 6, 2012, the trustee to the restructuring
proceedings of A-TEC intended to effect the payment of a cash quota
in the amount of 39%, to A-TEC's creditors ---as per the
restructuring proceedings. This payment has been effected. Due to the
fact that all assets of A-TEC have been transferred to the trustee,
and the major part of the assets having been sold, the restructuring
of A-TEC, i.e. release of all debts, has been effected as per
restructuring plan of Dec. 29, 2010, by payment of a 39 % quota which
exceeded the 30% quota required by the restructuring plan. A-TEC now
is planning to recommence its business activities, in the medium
term, by re-establishing its original core business fields which have
been in place since 2001, i.e. industrial investments in
machine(tool)production, plant construction (energy and environment),
drive technologies, and minerals and metals (upstream, downstream,
with focus on copper production). Presently, A-TEC is sounding and
pre-discussing possible acquisitions. Financing may be effected by
means of capital increases, share issuings, equity like instruments,
mezzanine capital, or debt financing. At the same time, share capital
increases by using newly issued shares as consideration for the
acquisition, may be considered. First acquisitions may take place in
the first or second half of 2013.
A-TEC has and had, both during and after end of the restructuring
proceedings, the infrastructure - staff, premises, an acting
management (CEO and CFO) necessary to maintain an industrial holding
company. All expenses accrued during and after the restructuring
proceedings, have and will be borne by the main shareholder M.U.S.T.
private-foundation ("Main Shareholder") until A-TEC's ability to
effect repayment. The financing of these expenses has been agreed
between A-TEC and the Main Shareholder, whereupon the repayment shall
be subordinated and free of interests and performed by Dec.31, 2013,
provided acquisitions have been made until Dec. 31, 2013, otherwise
at a later date following acquisitions. Additional holding expenses
have not accrued until now and are not planned. Both board of
directors and supervisory board are presently acting free of charge,
until further notice.
Once A-TEC has recommenced its regular business activities, the
company plans to increase personnel to a level required by an
operational industrial holding company, and to relocate the present
office premises - located at a hotel at 1100 Vienna and owned by the
Main Shareholder -to Vienna city center premises suitable for an
industrial holding company. During 2013 the company should be
provided with new funding, both from its core shareholders, and, if
applicable and feasible, by share capital increase via public
offering in the year 2013.
The Austrian Financial Market Authority announced on Feb.1, 2013,
that it mandated the Vienna Stock Exchange AG to examine reasons for
a possible delisting of A-TEC's financial instruments from the
Official Market, based on reasons which already have been reported in
the public media.
Finally, A-TEC announces that, following suggestion of several
shareholders, an informative meeting solely for A-TEC's shareholders,
will take place to discuss the future of the company and possible
business activities, on Feb. 15, 2013, 09:00 - 11:00 a.m., at 1100
Vienna Kurbadstrasse 8, Airo Tower Hotel. This informational meeting
shall solely provide for a discussion among and with shareholders and
by no means shall be regarded as a shareholder general meeting as per
the AktG (joint stock corporation law). For admission purposes,
shareholders are requested to complete the form "Information Meeting
of Feb.15, 2013 - Registration" as preannounced on A-TEC's homepage,
and submit the completed form prior to joining the meeting.
Investor Relations contact:
A-TEC Industries AG
Kurbadstrasse 8
1100 Vienna
Email: office@a-tecindustries.com
Further inquiry note:
Mag. Franz Fehringer
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: A-TEC Industries AG
Kurbadstraße 8
A-1100 Wien
WWW: http://www.a-tecindustries.com
sector: Holding companies
indexes: Standard Market Continuous
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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Sonstige Kapitalmarktinformationen übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel
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ISIN: DE000LB0R033
Valutadatum: 05.02.2013
Emissionevolumen: EUR 100.000.000
Endfälligkeit: 28.12.2018
Frau Elke Schuster-Feyl
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 127- 70472
E-Mail: Elke.Schuster-Feyl@LBBW.de mehr...
- EANS-Kapitalmarktinformation: Landesbank Baden-Württemberg / Aufnahme von
Anleihen und Übernahmen von Gewährleistungen gemäß § 30e Abs. 1, Nr. 2 WpHG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sonstige Kapitalmarktinformationen übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel
einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
ISIN: DE000LB0R025
Valutadatum: 05.02.2013
Emissionsvolumen: EUR 100.000.000
Endfälligkeit: 29.12.2017
Frau Elke Schuster-Feyl
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 127- 70472
E-Mail: Elke.Schuster-Feyl@LBBW.de mehr...
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