EANS-Adhoc: voestalpine AG /voestalpine with solid performance despite
challenging environment
Geschrieben am 07-02-2013 |
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distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/9-month report
voestalpine with 10% increase of EBITDA and 20% of EBIT in 3rd fiscal
quarter 2012/13 comparised to Q3 2011/12 9 months revenues and
earnings nearly stable despite difficult economic environment Equity
for the first time above EUR 5 billion - Gearing ratio below 50%!
First nine month of FY 2012/13 characterized by overall difficult
economic situation. Since turn of the year stabilizing business
environment on low level due to soothing measures regarding public
debt developments in Europe and the US as well as indications of a
recovery in China. No essential impulses from emerging markets India
and South America. Continuing subdued demand situation in major
industry segments (building-, automotive- and energy industry),
stable development on average level at mechanical engineering-,
consumer goods- and household appliance-industries, solid demand from
aviation industry and railway infrastructure markets. voestalpine
shows - apart from seasonal effects - overall stable business
development in this challenging environment. More or less full
capacity utilization at all major production facilities. Development
of revenues largely stable, earnings decline limited. Positive
earnings and cash flow generation leading to further deleveraging of
the group. Full year outlook despite an unchanged challenging
environment still in line with expectations according to the letter
to shareholders regarding the first half of FY 2012/13: Operating
results (EBITDA) of approximately EUR 1.4 billion, profit from
operations (EBIT) of about EUR 800 million.
Key figures of voestalpine Group
(acc. IFRS; in EURm)* Q3 2011/12 Q3 2012/13 Change
10/01-12/31/2011 10/01-12/31/2012 in %
Revenue 2,899.5 2,719.7 -6.2
EBITDA 293.8 321.9 +9.6
EBITDA margin in % 10.1 11.8
EBIT 145.0 174.4 +20.3
EBIT margin in % 5.0 6.4
Profit before tax 90.5 125.9 +39.1
Profit for the period** 65.3 100.0 +53.1
EPS (in EUR) 0.27 0.47 +74.0
Gearing ratio in % (12/31) 61.3 49.8
(acc. IFRS; in EURm)* Q1-Q3 2011/12 Q1-Q3 2012/13 Change
04/01-12/31/2011 04/01-12/31/2012 in %
Revenue 8,877.2 8,652.5 -2.5
EBITDA 1,118.0 1,051.7 -5.9
EBITDA margin in % 12.6 12.2
EBIT 676.4 615.1 -9.1
EBIT margin in % 7.6 7.1
Profit before tax 533.8 473.7 -11.3
Profit for the period** 411.4 369.5 -10.2
EPS (in EUR) 2.09 1.83 -12.4
Gearing ratio in % (12/31) 61.3 49.8
* according to IFRS all results after Purchase Price Allocation (PPA)
** before minority interest and hybrid capital interest
Additional information as well as the full report about the third quarter
results of voestalpine AG as of the effective date of December 31, 2012 is
available on our website www.voestalpine.com under the category "Investors." If
you have any questions, please contact our Investor Relations Team
Further inquiry note:
DI Peter Fleischer
Head of Investor Relations
Tel.: +43/50304/15-9949
Fax: +43/50304/55-5581
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: voestalpine AG
voestalpine-Straße 1
A-4020 Linz
phone: +43 50304/15-9949
FAX: +43 50304/55-5581
mail: IR@voestalpine.com
WWW: www.voestalpine.com
sector: Metal Goods & Engineering
ISIN: AT0000937503
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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