EANS-News: ANDRITZ receives approval from anti-trust authorities for the
acquisition of Schuler AG
Geschrieben am 07-02-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
Graz (euro adhoc) - Graz, February 7, 2013. International technology
Group ANDRITZ announces that the takeover of a majority interest in
publicly listed Schuler AG, Germany, has received full and
unrestricted approval from the anti-trust authorities responsible.
Enforcement will take place during the next few days; ANDRITZ will
then own more than 90% of the shares in Schuler AG.
As the technological and global market leader in metalforming,
Schuler supplies machines, production lines, dies, process know-how,
and services for the entire metal-working industry. With this
acquisition, ANDRITZ is expanding its product and service portfolio
in the METALS business area. The first-time consolidation of Schuler
in the ANDRITZ consolidated financial statements will take place from
March 1, 2013.
- End -
The ANDRITZ GROUP International technology Group ANDRITZ is a
globally leading supplier of plants, equipment, and services for
hydropower stations, the pulp and paper industry, solid/liquid
separation in the municipal and industrial sectors, the steel
industry, and the production of animal feed and biomass pellets. In
addition, ANDRITZ offers technologies for other sectors including
automation, pumps, machinery for nonwovens and plastic films, steam
boiler plants, biomass boilers and gasification plants for energy
generation, flue gas cleaning plants, plants for the production of
panelboard (MDF), thermal sludge utilization, and torrefaction
plants. The publicly listed ANDRITZ GROUP is headquartered in Graz,
Austria, and has a staff of about 17,700 employees worldwide. ANDRITZ
operates over 180 production sites as well as service and sales
companies all around the world.
Schuler AG As the technological and global market leader in
metalforming, Schuler supplies machines, production lines, dies,
process know-how, and services for the entire metal-working industry.
Its clients include car manufacturers and their suppliers, as well as
companies in the forging, household appliances, packaging, energy,
and electrical industries. Schuler is also a market leader in coin
minting technology and supplies system solutions for the aerospace
and railway industries. The company employs around 5,500 people and
is represented by its facilities and sales offices in 40 countries
around the world. In the 2011/12 business year, Schuler posted sales
of around 1,226 million Euros and an EBITDA margin of 9.6%.
Further inquiry note:
Oliver Pokorny
Group Treasury, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 316 6902 1332
Fax: +43 316 6902 465
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Andritz AG
Stattegger Straße 18
A-8045 Graz
phone: +43 (0)316 6902-0
FAX: +43 (0)316 6902-415
mail: welcome@andritz.com
WWW: www.andritz.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000730007
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX, ATX five
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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