EANS-Voting Rights: BAUER Aktiengesellschaft / Correction of a release according
to article 26, section 1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of
Europe-wide distribution from Feb 20, 2013 at 14
Geschrieben am 21-02-2013 |
Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG (share)
The english version of the first notification published by BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen, Germany on February 20, 2013 has to be
corrected as follows:
On February 18, 2013 the below-mentioned shareholders have informed the BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen, Germany (ISIN DE 0005168108) pursuant to
sec. 21 para. 1 in conjunction with sec. 22 para. 2 of the WpHG about the
- The voting interest of Johannes Christoph Bauer, Germany in BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen went above the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
20%, 25% and 30% on February 16, 2013 and amounted to 48.19% (8,256,246 shares)
on such date. 48.19% of the voting rights (8,256,246 shares) are attributable to
him in accordance with sec. 22 para. 2 of the WpHG. Thereby the voting interests
of the following shareholders, whose voting interest each is not less than 3%,
are attributable to him: Karl Heinrich Bauer, Thomas Karl Bauer, Johannes Karl
Bauer, Elisabeth Maria Teschemacher, Sebastian Christoph Bauer.
- The voting interest of Franziska Maria Bauer, Germany in BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen went above the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
20%, 25% and 30% on February 16, 2013 and amounted to 48.19% (8,256,246 shares)
on such date. 48.19% of the voting rights (8,256,246 shares) are attributable to
her in accordance with sec. 22 para. 2 of the WpHG. Thereby the voting interests
of the following shareholders, whose voting interest each is not less than 3%,
are attributable to her: Karl Heinrich Bauer, Thomas Karl Bauer, Johannes Karl
Bauer, Elisabeth Maria Teschemacher, Sebastian Christoph Bauer.
- The voting interest of Stephanie Elisabeth Bauer, Germany in BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen went above the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
20%, 25% and 30% on February 16, 2013 and amounted to 48.19% (8,256,246 shares)
on such date. 48.19% of the voting rights (8,256,246 shares) are attributable to
her in accordance with sec. 22 para. 2 of the WpHG. Thereby the voting interests
of the following shareholders, whose voting interest each is not less than 3%,
are attributable to her: Karl Heinrich Bauer, Thomas Karl Bauer, Johannes Karl
Bauer, Elisabeth Maria Teschemacher, Sebastian Christoph Bauer.
- The voting interest of Wolfgang Karl Bauer, Germany in BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen went above the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
20%, 25% and 30% on February 16, 2013 and amounted to 48.19% (8,256,246 shares)
on such date. 48.19% of the voting rights (8,256,246 shares) are attributable to
him in accordance with sec. 22 para. 2 of the WpHG. Thereby the voting interests
of the following shareholders, whose voting interest each is not less than 3%,
are attributable to him: Karl Heinrich Bauer, Thomas Karl Bauer, Johannes Karl
Bauer, Elisabeth Maria Teschemacher, Sebastian Christoph Bauer.
- The voting interest of Julia Chiara Bauer, Germany in BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen went above the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10% 15%,
20%, 25% and 30% on February 16, 2013 and amounted to 48.19% (8,256,246 shares)
on such date. 48.19% of the voting rights (8,256,246 shares) are attributable to
her in accordance with sec. 22 para. 2 of the WpHG. Thereby the voting interests
of the following shareholders, whose voting interest each is not less than 3%,
are attributable to her: Karl Heinrich Bauer, Thomas Karl Bauer, Johannes Karl
Bauer, Elisabeth Maria Teschemacher, Sebastian Christoph Bauer.
- The voting interest of BAUER Stiftung, Schrobenhausen, Germany in BAUER
Aktiengesellschaft, Schrobenhausen went above the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10% 15%,
20%, 25% and 30% on February 16, 2013 and amounted to 48.19% (8,256,246 shares)
on such date. 48.19% of the voting rights (8,256,146 shares) are attributable to
the BAUER Stiftung in accordance with sec. 22 para. 2 of the WpHG. Thereby the
voting interests of the following shareholders, whose voting interest each is
not less than 3%, are attributable to the BAUER Stiftung: Karl Heinrich Bauer,
Thomas Karl Bauer, Johannes Karl Bauer, Elisabeth Maria Teschemacher, Sebastian
Christoph Bauer.
Further inquiry note:
Christopher Wolf
Investor Relations
BAUER Aktiengesellschaft
BAUER-Straße 1
86529 Schrobenhausen
Tel.: +49 8252 97-1797
Fax: +49 8252 97-2900
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: BAUER Aktiengesellschaft
BAUER-Straße 1
D-86529 Schrobenhausen
phone: +49 (0)8252-97-1797
FAX: +49 (0)8252-97-2900
mail: investor.relations@bauer.de
WWW: http://www.bauer.de
sector: Construction & Property
ISIN: DE0005168108
indexes: SDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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