Saxo Capital Markets Opens Office in Uruguay for Private Investors
Geschrieben am 27-02-2013 |
Montevideo, Uruguay (ots/PRNewswire) -
Saxo Bank [ ] has consolidated its
commitment to Latin America by opening a new office in Montevideo,
Uruguay today. Saxo Capital Markets Agente de Valores, SA, is
intended to bring the Bank closer to its customers in the region and
offer a service that is fully adapted to the needs of Latin American
Saxo Bank entered the Latin American market in 2012 with the
acquisition of Uruguayan broker NVN Securities, Agente de Valores,
which was founded in 2005 and is fully authorised by Uruguay's
Central Bank From the new office which is located in the Zonamerica
district, the financial and business centre of Uruguay, Saxo Bank
will provide all retail clients in Latin America with a service that
is completely tailored to their investment needs.
Luis Simoes Pereira, Director of Saxo Capital Markets Uruguay,
"With the opening of Saxo Capital Markets Agente de Valores, SA,
we are expanding our presence on a continent with some of the most
effervescent economies in the world. We've seen a significant and
constant increase in trading among Latin American investors, largely
due to the improved economic situation and the quick development of
technological infrastructure. The aim of this new office is to
develop the business even more and become closer to our customers and
their needs. We are continuing to expand our offer and adapt it to
Latin American investors through our modern multiple assets
Kim Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen, founders and CEOs of Saxo
Bank, said in a joint statement:
"The opening of the new office in Montevideo is another milestone
in Saxo Bank's history and global expansion. With this new office, we
expand our presence in a vibrant and eclectic continent that has much
to offer. Latin America has some of the most promising economies and
we anticipate investors will require a broader range of financial
products such as Forex, international stocks, futures and options. By
having a presence in this market, Saxo Bank is well positioned to
facilitate these demands together with our institutional clients."
Saxo Capital Markets offers private investors access to 20,000
financial instruments including corporate shares traded on more than
30 stock markets, 160 currency pairs, 8,400 CFDs, 1,500 ETFs and
ETCs, futures and more. These instruments are available through
SaxoTrader, a platform designed for PCs; SaxoWebTrader, accessible
from any Internet browser and applications for the iPhone, iPad and
Android which give access to markets from any of these mobile
Saxo Capital Markets Uruguay recently launched its new website,, reflecting client proximity and the extensive
product offering in Latin America.
The Saxo Bank Group was founded in 1992 by its co-CEOs Kim
Fournais and Lars Seier Christensen. Since 2006, Saxo Bank's
geographical footprint has expanded rapidly and today, in addition to
its headquarters in Denmark, the EU-regulated Bank is present in 22
About Saxo Capital Markets Latin America
Saxo Capital Markets Agente de Valores, SA is a leading online
trading and investment specialist focused on Latin American
investors. A fully licensed and regulated broker by the Uruguayan
Central Bank,
Saxo Capital Markets enables private investors' access to 20,000
financial instruments including corporate shares traded on more than
30 stock markets, 160 currency pairs, 8,400 CFDs, 1,500 ETFs and
ETCs, futures and more via its specialised and fully integrated
trading platforms; the browser-based SaxoWebTrader, the downloadable
SaxoTrader and the application for iPhone, Android and iPad available
in over 20 languages. Saxo Capital Markets is part of the Saxo Bank
About Saxo Bank
Saxo Bank is a leading online trading [
rex?csref=b1744_Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ] and investment
specialist, offering private investors and institutional clients a
complete set of tools for their trading and investment strategies. A
fully licensed and regulated European bank, Saxo Bank enables clients
to trade FX, CFDs [
lerplate_pressrelease ], ETFs, Stocks, Futures, Options and other
derivatives via three specialised and fully integrated multi-asset
trading platforms [
Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ]; the browser-based SaxoWebTrader, the
downloadable SaxoTrader and the SaxoTrader app. The platforms are
available in over 20 languages and are white-labelled by more than
100 major financial institutions worldwide. Saxo Bank also offers
professional portfolio and fund management as well as traditional
banking services through Saxo Privatbank. Founded in 1992, the Saxo
Bank Group is headquartered in Copenhagen with 23 local offices
throughout Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Africa and
ots Originaltext: Saxo Bank (Switzerland) SA
Im Internet recherchierbar:
Media enquiries: Saxo Bank - +34 91 769 69 50, Aida Blanco -, Raúl Cameo -
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