EANS-Adhoc: Solar-Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft für Produktion und Vertrieb von
solartechnischen Produkten / Preliminary annual financials underline the overall
competitiveness, EBIT impacted by non-cash
Geschrieben am 01-03-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
According to the preliminary and unaudited annual financials,
Solar-Fabrik AG (ISIN: DE0006614712) has managed to maintain its
standing also in a very challenging 2012 market environment, despite
a revenue decrease by ca. 80.8 million euros to ca. 96.1 million
euros. The company's view is backed by an EBITDA loss limited to ca.
-4.4 million euros (ca. -4.5% of revenue) under these very
challenging market conditions (2011: ca. +4.6 million euros), and an
operating cash flow of -1.5 million euros (2011: +3.1 million euros),
which is at a level where it has only minimal impact on the financial
strength of the company. Driven by high and unplanned asset
write-offs of 14.0 million euros the EBIT loss reaches ca. 21.8
million euros (2011: 0.8 million euros profit), however, the equity
ratio increased to 71.9% (2011: 63.3%). Solar-Fabrik also shows a
net-cash position of ca. 15 million euros, a very rare strength in
the PV solar industry.
The revenue decrease is driven by both price and volume and reflects
the competition in an oversupply market. In 2012 Solar-Fabrik's solar
module business achieved a volume of 99 MWp (2011: 127 MWp) at an
export ratio of ca. 60%, similar to 2011. The average sales price
decreased by ca. 42% during 2012.
Since these financial results for 2012, the crisis year of the PV
solar industry, have only little impact to the financial strength of
the company the executive board considers Solar-Fabrik well
positioned for the future. Based on high cash availability
Solar-Fabrik is also able to push the new businesses turn-key
installation and power generation throughout 2013, together with
further regional expansion. The Italian market currently generates
stable demand, with the February demand already beyond the year ago
level, and the Solar-Fabrik production is on a three-shift schedule
starting in March. Together with the solid capital base the executive
board considers this beginning of the year a good starting point to
successfully implement the company strategy.
The final and audited financials for 2012 will be published on March
28, 2013.
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)761-4000 0
E-Mail: investor@solar-fabrik.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Solar-Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft für Produktion und Vertrieb von solartechnischen Produkten
Munzinger Str. 10
D-79111 Freiburg
phone: +49(0)761 4000 0
FAX: +49(0)761 4000 199
mail: info@solar-fabrik.de
WWW: http://www.solar-fabrik.de
sector: Alternative energy
ISIN: DE0006614712
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated
dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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Tip announcement for financial statements transmitted by euro adhoc. The
issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
The company GSW Immobilien AG is declaring its financial reporting publication
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Report Type: Group-Yearly Report
Publication Date : 22.03.2013
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dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
Hiermit gibt die GSW Immobilien AG bekannt, dass folgende Finanzberichte
veröffentlicht werden:
Bericht: Konzern-Jahresfinanzbericht
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