Historic Global Conference on Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons Prepares Ground for New Initiative Towards Ban Treaty
Geschrieben am 05-03-2013 |
Oslo, Norway (ots/PRNewswire) -
The historic Oslo Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear
Weapons has concluded with the announcement of a follow-up meeting to
be hosted by Mexico. A wide range of states and organisations agreed
that an understanding of the global humanitarian consequences of
nuclear detonations should be the starting point for urgent action to
ban and eliminate nuclear weapons.
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130305/600503-a )
(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130305/600503-b )
At the meeting hosted by Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth
Eide, around 130 states, several UN agencies-including OCHA, UNDP and
UNHCR-as well as the international Red Cross and Red Crescent
movement, and ICAN, presented their findings on the environmental,
developmental, and health consequences of nuclear detonations. They
concluded that no international response plan could effectively be
put in place to respond to such an event. As the facts and evidence
sank in, many states expressed their recognition of a shared
responsibility to act to prevent any accidental or intentional use of
these weapons of mass suffering.
The announcement by Mexico to build on the Norwegian initiative by
hosting a further meeting provides a new platform from which to
consolidate the humanitarian arguments and to engage all states in a
constructive dialogue to outlaw and eliminate nuclear weapons.
Dr Rebecca Johnson, ICAN Co-Chair said: "This Conference has shown
that any use of nuclear armaments would cause mass suffering, with
calculations of climate disruption and famine in non-nuclear as well
as nuclear-armed countries. This global impact makes it the
responsibility - and right - of everyone to take action to stop this
from happening. The P5 have missed an opportunity for dialogue here,
but it has not stopped countries moving forward. On the contrary,
Mexico's welcome decision to host a further meeting on this issue
recognises that the nuclear weapon free countries have an important
role to play."
Thomas Nash, ICAN Steering Group member, said: "This conference is
a new beginning towards the elimination of nuclear weapons. It is the
first time states have come together to consider the humanitarian
effects of nuclear weapons. 130 countries have chosen to confront the
horror of these weapons and have realised that far from being
powerless to do anything about it, they can and must take
responsibility for putting in place a long overdue international
Dr Bob Mtonga, ICAN Steering Group member and physician from
Zambia: "This Conference has shown us that the countries that have
renounced nuclear weapons and concluded regional Nuclear Weapons Free
Zones, such as Africa and Latin America, are providing important
moral leadership to carry forward international efforts to free the
world of nuclear weapons and prevent the global public health
disaster that their use would create."
Opinion articles from ICAN experts can also be provided upon
An opinion piece from Desmond Tutu: http://www.guardian.co.uk/comm
Video statement of civil society screened during the opening
About ICAN
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is a
global campaign coalition working to mobilize people in all countries
to inspire, persuade and pressure their governments to initiate
negotiations for a treaty banning nuclear weapons. It has 300 partner
organizations in 70 countries, and was launched in 2007.
Details available at: http://www.icanw.org
For information about the effects of nuclear weapons see:
- Unspeakable Suffering (2013)
Download at: http://www.icanw.org/resources/publications
- Banning Nuclear Weapons (2013)
Download at: http://www.article36.org/cat2-nuclear-weapons/banning
- Catastrophic Humanitarian Harm (2012)
Download at: http://www.icanw.org/resources/publications
For interviews with ICAN spokespeople or conference speakers,
please contact:
Daniela Varano
Magnus Lysberg
ots Originaltext: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
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