EANS-Adhoc: Westag & Getalit AG / Sales in 2012 stayed at good prior year level;
problems with raw materials weighed on bottom line in 2012; dividend stays at
high level of EUR 1.00 per preference sha
Geschrieben am 14-03-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Business trend in 2012 In spite of difficult economic conditions in
some of the markets that are relevant for Westag & Getalit AG, the
company was able to increase its sales by a moderate 0.1% to EUR
227.4 million in the fiscal year 2012 (2011: EUR 227.1 million).
Export sales increased in sync with total sales revenues and were up
by 0.3% to EUR 48.9 million (2011: EUR 48.7 million). At 21.5%, the
export share stayed at the high level of the previous year.
Due to its strong dependence on public building construction, the
Plywood/Formwork Division suffered an 8.2% decline in sales revenues
to EUR 32.0 million (2011: EUR 34.9 million). The Division was
primarily affected by weak economic activity abroad, which was
reflected in an 18.8% drop in export sales.
The Doors/Frames Division once again boosted its sales revenues by
4.0% to EUR 113.9 million in 2012 (2011: EUR 109.4 million). The
Division primarily benefited from strong growth in the private
housing construction sector.
Sales revenues in the Laminates/Elements Division declined by a
moderate 1.2% to EUR 74.8 million (2011: EUR 75.7 million). A slight
shift in the product mix affected the Division's total sales.
Earnings before income taxes amounted to EUR 10.8 million in the
fiscal year, down by 8.4% on the previous year's EUR 11.8 million.
The main reason for this were raw materials of inferior quality.
Net profit for the year showed the same trend as earnings before
taxes and amounted to EUR 7.5 million in the fiscal year 2012 (2011:
EUR 8.2 million). Earnings per share stood at EUR 1.35 for the common
shares (2011: EUR 1.48) and at EUR 1.41 for the preference shares
(2011: EUR 1.54).
At today's annual accounts meeting of Westag & Getalit AG, the
Supervisory Board approved the financial statements for the fiscal
year 2012. This was the first meeting which was attended by new
Supervisory Board member Dr. Joachim Schönbeck, Managing Director of
SMS Meer GmbH, Mönchengladbach. He was appointed Supervisory Board
member by the Gütersloh district court with effect from March 5, 2013
to succeed Ronald Jeffries, who deceased last September. At the
Annual General Meeting scheduled to take place in Rheda-Wiedenbrück
on July 23, 2013, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of
Westag & Getalit AG will propose to pay out an unchanged dividend of
EUR 0.94 per ordinary share and of EUR 1.00 per preference share.
This would be equivalent to a dividend yield of 6.4%. This means that
we will continue to pursue a solid dividend policy despite the
reduction in earnings.
Employees At the end of last year, we employed 1,287 people, of whom
1,090 worked at our plant in Wiedenbrück and 197 at our plant in
Capital expenditure Last year saw us invest EUR 10.6 million at our
two plants in Wiedenbrück and Wadersloh. The single most important
projects were the installation of a new edge processing machine for
the Doors/Frames Division and the erection of a new gas co-generation
unit, which will further increase our energy efficiency.
Outlook The outlook for the German economy - especially for the
construction sector - is inconsistent. Economic experts expect the
housing construction sector to grow again in 2013, driven by
investments in the much-cited "concrete gold". The situation in the
public construction sector and probably also in the commercial
construction sector will be much more difficult.
Against this economic background in the markets that are relevant for
Westag & Getalit, we project moderate overall growth for our company,
which will be driven by strong activity in the housing construction
sector. Our well-positioned product portfolio will allow our company
to benefit from this trend. Thanks to the wide range of products, we
will seize the opportunities arising outside Germany to expand our
export activities.
Earnings for the year 2013 will be largely dependent on the trend in
raw materials prices. Most importantly, however, we will have to
ensure that the raw materials sourced by the Plywood/Formwork
Division are again of a consistently satisfactory quality in order to
eliminate unplanned extra costs at the production level, which are
likely to weigh on the bottom line again in 2013. Assuming that sales
will growth moderately and raw materials costs will remain stable, we
will aim to generate a satisfactory profit for the year in spite of
these adverse circumstances.
Further inquiry note:
Thomas Sudhoff
PR und Finanzkommunikation
Tel. +49 (0) 52 42 / 17-5176
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Westag & Getalit AG
Hellweg 15
D-33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück
phone: +49 (0)5242 17 0
FAX: +49 (0)5242 17 75000
mail: ir@westag-getalit.de
WWW: http://www.westag-getalit.de
sector: Building materials
ISIN: DE0007775207, DE0007775231
indexes: CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, Stuttgart, regulated dealing: Düsseldorf,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
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section 1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of Europe-wide distribution --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG (share)
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