
Hach Lange Offers Water Quality Solutions to European Parliament

Geschrieben am 27-03-2013

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

Brussels, the home of the European Union, is among 6,311 areas
which are not meeting European legislation on clean water, new
research from Victor Bostinaru, a Member of the European Parliament,
has revealed.

Senior representatives of Hach Lange, a company with long-standing
innovations and expertise in water quality, were invited to
participate in a high-profile public hearing organised by Mr
Bostinaru in the European Parliament to discuss solutions to the
problems identified in the research.

The event established the urgent need to continue to invest in
water infrastructure projects despite the economic difficulties in
Europe, as well as focussing on the wide-ranging benefits and
significant return on investment that such projects can bring.

It identified water investment through the Cohesion Fund as an
outstanding opportunity for economic, social and health benefits
across Europe.

Michael Kaczor, Vice-President of Global Projects, and Toon
Streppel, Global Business Unit Director of Workflow Solutions,
presented Hach Lange's and Trojan's capabilities including products,
technical support, and services, to attendees including
commissioners, journalists and MEPs from across the 27 member states.

Despite the remaining challenges noted by Mr Bostinaru, Hach Lange
highlighted the great progress in water quality across Europe which
has been driven by previous investment, with positive effects on
things like fish stocks in the Rhine and reducing algae problems in
the Mediterranean.

Mr Bostinaru, a Romanian MEP who is campaigning for investment to
boost water quality, said: "I am exceedingly grateful to Hach Lange
for their expert views on the report and what can be done to tackle
the serious failings my research has identified. Their solutions and
expertise will be vital in showing the way to a better future.

"The returns of investing in water are clear: demonstrable
benefits to public health, the environment and the wider economy.

"With EUR376 billion in European Cohesion funds to soon be
allocated, the time to act is now."

Mr Kaczor and Mr Streppel identified the key role of high quality
water in safeguarding public health and protecting delicate

Further, they said, investment in improving and maintaining water
quality provides strong ROI at water treatment plants, through more
efficient and higher quality operations, and for the European macro
economy through supporting industry, providing jobs and in tourism
and leisure benefits.

Mr Kaczor, who has been working to improve water quality in Europe
for 40 years, said Hach Lange's work has provided pioneering
analytical solutions in all 27 EU countries for decades.

Those areas where the greatest investment had been delivered were
those that were reaping the greatest rewards, he said.

Hach Lange's innovative work with its sister company Trojan-UV has
seen the firms develop new solutions to treat waste, drinking and
industrial water which have saved their clients energy and reduced
chemical use, dropping costs and benefiting the environment for all.

In particular, Hach Lange now offers real time optimization
solutions that combine instrumentation and process control, providing
a quick return on investment while improving environmental

Trojan offers ground-breaking treatment solutions for
disinfection, filtration and sludge treatment, the experts told the

Lance Reisman, the President of Hach Lange, said: "We are proud to
have been invited to participate in an event which highlights the
benefits of investing in water to an audience whose members can make
a real difference."

About Hach Lange

For more than 70 years, Hach Lange has developed innovative
solutions used to test the quality of water, liquids and air for
municipal and industrial customers. Manufactured and distributed
worldwide, Hach Lange systems are designed to simplify analysis by
offering sophisticated on-line instrumentation, accurate field and
laboratory equipment, high-quality prepared reagents, complete
easy-to-follow methods, and life-time technical support.


About Trojan Technologies

The Trojan Technologies group of businesses offers products under
the brands Aquafine [http://aquafineuv.com ], OpenCEL
[http://opencel.com ], Trojan Marinex [http://trojanmarinex.com ],
TrojanUV, Salsnes Filter, US [http://h2o2.com ] Peroxide and VIQUA
[http://viqua.com ]. Applications and markets served include
municipal wastewater, drinking water, environmental contaminant
treatment, residential, food and beverage manufacturing,
pharmaceutical processing, semi-conductor applications, filtration
and biosolids treatment. Trojan Technologies has offices in
Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Arab
Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States.


ots Originaltext: Hach Lange
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