EANS-Adhoc: Bank Sarasin + Cie AG / SIX Swiss Exchange extends Bank Sarasin &
Co. Ltd's exemption from the duty to comply with certain disclosure obligations
Geschrieben am 05-04-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
On 3 April 2013, the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX) extended from 7 April
2013 until 31 May 2013 (inclusively) the exemption granted to Bank
Sarasin & Co. Ltd from some disclosure duties arising from the
listing of its equity securities. As per the SIX's decision, Bank
Sarasin is exempted from certain disclosure obligations contemplated
in the SIX' listing rules, namely, the duty to report management
transactions, to publish a corporate calendar and to report certain
corporate events to the SIX.
In addition, the SIX extended Bank Sarasin's deadline to publish and
submit the 2012 annual report in accordance with the listing rules
applicable to its listed equity securities, bonds and derivatives
from 30 April 2013 until 1st July 2013. The duties to comply with the
disclosure obligations relating to the annual report are suspended
accordingly, namely the duty to publish a corporate calendar
including the date of publication of the financial statements and the
duty to publish and submit the annual report to the SIX .
Sarasin requested these exemptions from SIX after Safra announced on
23 October 2012 that it had submitted a request before a court in
Basel for the cancellation of Bank Sarasin's remaining publicly held
registered B shares. The request is still pending and the delisting
of Bank Sarasin's registered B shares to which the SIX agreed will
become effective when the decision of the Basel court to cancel the
remaining publicly held registered B shares of Sarasin shall have
become final.
Further inquiry note:
Benedikt Gratzl
Media Relations
T: +41(0)61 277 70 88
Franziska Gumpfer-Keller
Media Relations
T: +41 (0)44 213 97 35
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Bank Sarasin + Cie AG
Elisabethenstrasse 62
CH-4002 Basel
phone: +41 (61) 277 77 77
FAX: +41 (61) 272 02 05
mail: info@sarasin.ch
WWW: www.sarasin.ch
sector: Banking
ISIN: CH0038389307
indexes: SPIEX, SPI ex SLI
stockmarkets: official dealing/general standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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