Dagmar Knopek appointed as new member of the Management Board of Aareal Bank -
Contract of Chief Financial Officer Hermann J. Merkens renewed until 2019
Geschrieben am 05-04-2013 |
Wiesbaden (ots) - The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG has
appointed Dagmar Knopek as a new member of the Aareal Bank AG
Management Board with effect from 1 June 2013. She will be
responsible for the markets in Aareal Bank's Structured Property
Financing segment. In her new function, Knopek will succeed Dirk
Große Wördemann, who will be leaving the bank with effect from 31 May
2013 at his own request, and by amicable and mutual consent in order
to step up his activities in the Real Estate Investments sector again
- a sector in which he was already active before joining the
Wiesbaden-based property specialist. He will continue to serve the
bank in an advisory capacity. Dirk Große Wördemann has been a member
of Aareal Bank's Management Board since November 2010.
His successor Dagmar Knopek draws upon many years of experience in
the property financing business. After holding various positions at
Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank AG and Bayerische Hypo- und
Vereinsbank AG in Germany and abroad, she joined Aareal Bank Group at
the end of 1999 where she held various executive positions. As Head
of the Credit Management division at the bank's head office in
Wiesbaden, she is currently responsible for the bank's activities in
Europe, the US and Asia. Prior to this, she acted, amongst others, as
Chief Credit Officer for Aareal Capital Corporation, New York.
Hans W. Reich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG
said: "We are pleased that we are able to fill this position from
within our own ranks. With her long-standing experience in commercial
property financing and her strong international expertise, Dagmar
Knopek will significantly contribute to further enhancing Aareal
Bank's position in the world's most important property markets within
the framework of the three-continent strategy in the years to come.
At the same time we thank Dirk Große Wördemann for having laid
important foundations for the development of our business model in a
challenging market environment. We have learned of his departure with
regret and thank him for his excellent performance. We wish him every
success for both his private and professional life."
In addition, the Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank resolved to
renew the contract of Mr Hermann J. Merkens prior to the regular end
of his term of office and to reappoint him to the Management Board of
Aareal Bank with effect from 2 April 2014 until 1 April 2019. Merkens
has been a member of the Management Board since 2001. His areas of
responsibility include Finance, Risk Controlling, Credit Management
and Workout. "With Hermann J. Merkens we have secured the long-term
commitment of a personality to the bank who, in cooperation with the
other members of the Management Board, has made a major contribution
to Aareal Bank's positive development in recent years and to making
it excellently positioned to continue operating successfully in the
Aareal Bank AG
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