EANS-News: FashionTV has entered the glamorous world of Casinos
Geschrieben am 05-04-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Paris (euro adhoc) - Investor Relations, Victoria Kolossov
04.04.2013 Paris FashionTV has signed a contract with one of the most
renowned leisure operators of the world to operate the fashion
branded Casinos. The channel will add glamour and trends to the world
of gambling and high stakes, with personalized gaming technology,
chic ambience, f. hospitalities facilities and legendary FashionTV
parties. The Casino will be branded with a lot of fashion content,
designers and beautiful models trained as coupes and party hosts.
The FashionTV branded Casino follows in the success footsteps of
Hardrock, Playboy, Titan and Sports Casinos, which have experienced
international success. FashionTV will provide this atmosphere by
bringing luxury, glamour and beauty to the Casinos. The Casinos will
be equipped with fashionable gaming machines which will be fully
designed in relation to trends with large crystal diamonds placed on
each, and slot machines displaying the pictures of diamonds, shoes,
perfumes, bags, trendy cars and ither luxury products. The special
feature is a 'buy instantly' button on the machine which will allow
the player to buy the items displayed directly in the casino lobby.
Additionally cards and chips as well as gaming tables will all be
branded with the FashionTV diamond shape.
Gamers will have the opportunity to try their luck in multiple rooms
surrounded by beautiful well dressed women, designed to the highest
standard, whether the Champs-Elysees room, 7th Avenue, Bond Street,
Cavalli room or the Versace VIP room. Chosen rooms will have a
catwalk in the middle, allowing for fashion shows and events to add
trends to the casinos. There will additionally be multiple screens of
various sizes displaying the newest stars and fashion trends directly
from the catwalk and behind the scenes secrets for the entertainment
of guests.
The FashionTV Casino Staff will be skillfully trained models,
mirroring the style and trends of the Casino while providing the
players will highest class of professionalism, whether in the game
areas or bars and lounges facilities.
After the games, f.Studio clubs, f.Diamond bar, f.Lounge, love f.Cafe
and exclusive VIP areas provide comfort and entertainment to the
guests. Fashion models will serve customers the most delicious and
fashionable f.Cocktails using the luxury line of f.Beverages.
FashionTV will additionally organize parties and events with
professional models to entertain guests and visitors making for an
unforgettable experience for the casino visitors and international
FashionTV fans. Customers can enjoy these legendary FashionTV events
and shows live from their game activities or in the other amenities.
Furniture designed by founder of FashionTV Michel Adam will give the
rooms their unique style and wellbeing.
For more information visit
For more information please contact:
And visit www.fashiontv.com
About Fashion TV Founded by its president, Mr. Michel Adam, Fashion
TV is the biggest fashion medium in the world. As the only global
24/7 TV station focused exclusively on fashion, beauty, trends and
style, FTV broadcasts the latest news & information to over 440
million households and 7 million public places worldwide. Fashion TV
is more than a channel, it is a lifestyle. The community of FTV
viewers is considered the most luxurious, glamorous and
fashion-oriented target group among all media consumers, who not only
love to watch the fashionable lifestyle on TV, but they also enjoy
LIVING IT. As a result, Fashion TV branded products, locations (F
Clubs, F Bars, F Hotels etc..) and high-profile events are
increasingly popular and sought-after by millions of fans around the
Broadcast Fashion TV is the global multimedia network leader in
fashion and lifestyle content, broadcasting to over 60 satellites in
SD, HD and 3D, 530 TV platforms, mobile, IPTV, SmartTV, Smart Phones
and Androids. Fashion TV broadcasts in 193 countries to over 440
million households and 7 million public locations across the 5
continents. Fashion TV is the only 24-hour fashion, beauty &
lifestyle television station worldwide.
New Media Fashion TV has expanded its social media presence with
millions of followers on YouTube, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Youku,
Tudou, Daily Motion, MetaCafe, vKontakti etc.. On Youtube Fashion TV
is the leading Fashion Company with more than 611 million views and
447,000 subscribers. These numbers are bigger than all Top 14 Fashion
magazines YouTube numbers put together. Please visit Fashion TV on
Youtube under: http://www.youtube.com/fashiontv On Facebook, Fashion
TV has a total fan base of over 2M users. Please visit FashionTV on
Faceboook under: http://www.facebook.com/FTV On Google+ Fashion TV
has more than 2 million users with a growth of 100,000 new users each
month. Please visit Fashion TV on Google+ under:
Licensing Fashion TV has expanded its licensing business to include F
merchandise, F Bars, F Clubs, F Hotels, F Cafes, F Stores, F
Beverages (including f18 and f88), F Vodka, F Voda, F Mobile Phones,
F Perfume and F Couture in over 193 countries. Fashion TV's variety
of products and hospitality is experiencing high growth as F Bars, F
Cafes, F Stores and F Hotels have opened in over 200 locations, with
new ones opening weekly across the world. Please find all current
presentations on Fashion TV's newest licensing activities under:
Please find the active links for Fashion TV below:
Fashion TV: www.fashiontv.com
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/fashiontv
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FTV
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FashionTV
Google+: https://plus.google.com/#s/fashiontv
vKontakti: http://vk.com/fashiontv
QR Codes: www.fashiontv.com/qrcodes
Further inquiry note:
Victoria Kolossov
Investor Relations
+43 151 31 267
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Fashion TV Holding Ltd.
P.O. Box 958
VG- Road Town
phone: 0043 151 31 267
FAX: 0043 151 31 385
mail: victoria@ftv.com
WWW: http://www.fashiontv.com
sector: Media
ISIN: VGG3335A1003
stockmarkets: Open Market: Frankfurt
language: English
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