EANS-News: C-QUADRAT Investment AG / 2012 Net Income for the year of C-QUADRAT
Investment AG
Geschrieben am 08-04-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
annual result
Vienna / Frankfurt (euro adhoc) - - C-QUADRAT Investment AG
(standalone financial statements acc. Austrian Commercial Code)
realizes balance sheet profit of EUR 4.6 million in 2012 (previous
year: EUR 4.7 million)
- C-QUADRAT Group achieves net profit of EUR 0.2 million in 2012
(2011: EUR 3.0 million)
Total Group revenue stable at EUR 46.1 million (2011: EUR 46.0
- Personnel expenses in Group decreased from EUR 6.6 million to EUR
6.1 million
- One-off incidental costs for acquisitions and valuation adjustment
of EUR 3.4 million reduce consolidated earnings
- Dividend proposal for shareholders' meeting: EUR 0.6 per share
(previous year: EUR 1.0 per share)
In 2012 C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) maintained stable
overall Group revenue at EUR 46.1 million, while reducing its
personnel costs by 7% to EUR 6.1 million.
Its acquisitions of Absolute Portfolio Management GmbH (APM), Vienna,
and the BCM Group (London, Geneva) in 2012 gave rise to one-off
incidental acquisition costs of EUR 1.4 million. In addition, in the
past financial year a valuation adjustment of EUR 2.0 million was
recognized on an investment sale which was transacted in 2010. These
two one-off items in particular generated an increase in the Group's
other expenses to EUR 9.3 million (previous year: EUR 5.3 million).
The Group's associates provided earnings of EUR 2.4 million, a slight
decrease on the previous year (2011: EUR 2.5 million).
C-QUADRAT Investment AG realized a balance sheet profit in 2012
(standalone financial statements acc. Austrian Commercial Code) of
EUR 4.6 million (previous year: EUR 4.7 million). The C-QUADRAT Group
achieved a net profit in 2012 of EUR 0.2 million (2011: EUR 3.0
Following the approval of the annual financial statements of
C-QUADRAT Investment AG and the consolidated financial statements as
of December 31, 2012, the Supervisory and Management Boards of the
C-QUADRAT Group have resolved to propose to the shareholders' meeting
to be held on May 3, 2013 the distribution of a dividend of EUR 0.6
per share (previous year: EUR 1.0 per share) on the balance sheet
profit for the financial year 2012.
C-QUADRAT founder and management board member Alexander Schütz
comments: "We exploited 2012 - which was a difficult environment for
asset managers - to make 2 acquisitions and have strongly invested in
the company's growth. These two acquisitions have helped us to
increase our assets under management from EUR 2.9 billion to EUR 4.3
billion (+46%), to develop the company's internationalization and to
diversify its product range. C-QUADRAT products are today marketed in
17 European countries and are among the best products in their
classes, both for private and institutional investors. However, in
this regard it should also be pointed out that the one-off incidental
acquisition costs of these two acquisitions have reduced the Group's
net income in the past financial year (in accordance with IFRS
standards) but almost all of the earnings contributed by APM and BCM
will only be recognized in the income statement from the financial
year 2013 onwards. We have adjusted the consolidated balance sheet
for the write-off recognized on an investment sale receivable.
Following a very positive start we are thus entering 2013 free from
historical burdens and are very well placed in the new year."
With immediate effect, the 2012 consolidated financial statements and
the standalone financial statements 2012 of C-QUADRAT Investment AG
are available in German for downloading at www.c-quadrat.at in the
Investor Relations area. English versions will follow soon.
Further inquiry note:
Mag. Andreas Wimmer
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 515 66 316
Mail: a.wimmer@investmentfonds.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Wien
phone: +43 1 515 66-0
FAX: +43 1 515 66-159
mail: c-quadrat@investmentfonds.at
WWW: www.c-quadrat.at
sector: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000613005
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Frankfurt, Wien
language: English
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