EANS-Adhoc: Mikron Holding AG / Andreas Casutt elected to Mikron Board of
Geschrieben am 09-04-2013 |
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Annual & Special Corporate Meetings
This media release can be downloaded as a PDF file: www.mikron.com/news
Short media release on the Annual General Meeting of Mikron Holding AG
Andreas Casutt elected to Mikron Board of Directors
Biel/Bienne, 9 April 2013, 6:00 p.m. At this year's ordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders in Biel/Bienne, the shareholders of Mikron
Holding AG approved all proposals by the Board of Directors as well
as an increase in the distribution from capital surplus reserves to
CHF 0.15 per share. The General Meeting elected Andreas Casutt (Dr.
iur) as a member of the Board of Directors. He will succeed Prof.
Peter Forstmoser, who has reached the age limit specified in the
company's organizational rules. Heinrich Spoerry (Chairman of the
Board of Directors) and Eduard Rikli (Vice-Chairman of the Board of
Directors) were re-elected for a period of three years. The term of
office of the other directors will end in either 2014 or 2015.
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== Brief profile of the Mikron
Group The Mikron Group markets machining and automation solutions,
enabling customers around the world to master their precision
manufacturing processes. Rooted in a culture of Swiss innovation,
Mikron is a leading supplier to the automotive, medical devices,
pharmaceutical, consumer goods, writing instruments and watch-making
industries. The two divisions, Mikron Automation and Mikron
Machining, are based in Boudry and Agno, Switzerland, with additional
facilities in Germany, Singapore, China and the United States. The
Mikron Group employs approximately 1100 people who work to provide
Mikron customers with an experience that reflects over 100 years of
leadership in high-performance and high-precision production.
Investor Relations Calendar of Events 19.07.2013, 7.00 a.m., Media
release: Semiannual results 2013 23.01.2014, 7.00 a.m., Media
release: Preliminary volume figures for 2013 10.03.2014, 7.00 a.m.,
Media release: Publication of the 2013 Annual Report 10.03.2014,
10.00 a.m., Press Conference and Conference for Financial Analysts
08.04.2014, 4.00 p.m., Annual General Meeting 2014
Mikron® is a trademark of Mikron Holding AG, Biel (Switzerland).
Further inquiry note:
Mikron Management AG, Martin Blom, Chief Financial Officer
Phone +41 62 916 69 60, ir.mma@mikron.com
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end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Mikron Holding AG
Mühlebrücke 2
CH-2502 Biel
phone: +41 32 321 72 00
FAX: +41 32 321 72 01
mail: mho@mikron.com
WWW: www.mikron.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: CH0003390066
indexes: SPI, SPIEX, SPI ex SLI
stockmarkets: Domestic Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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