EANS-Adhoc: Von Roll Holding AG / 190th Annual General Meeting of Von Roll
Holding AG duly held: All proposals of the Board of Directors approved
Geschrieben am 11-04-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Annual & Special Corporate Meetings/annual report
Au / Wädenswil, April 10, 2013 All proposals presented by the Board
of Directors at the 190th Annual General Meeting of Von Roll Holding
AG held in the Mövenpick Hotel Zürich-Regensdorf were approved by the
shareholders with a vast majority. The annual report, the financial
statements and the consolidated statements for the 2012 financial
year as well as the reports of the statutory auditors were approved.
The shareholders of Von Roll Holding AG decided that the net profits
of CHF 20'251'579 are to be transferred to retained earnings.
Furthermore, they accepted the proposal of the Board of Directors not
to pay a dividend for the year 2012. The actions of the Board of
Directors and Group Management were approved for the fiscal year
2012. Mr Peter Kalantzis, Mr Guido Egli, Mr Gerd Amtstätter and Mr
August François von Finck were elected to another statutory
three-year term as Members of the Supervisory Board. Moreover, the
proposal put forward by the Board of Directors to reelect Deloitte
AG, Zurich, as statutory auditors for the fiscal year 2013 was
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== About Von Roll Holding Ltd: As
one of Switzerland's longest established industrial companies, Von
Roll focuses on products and systems for power generation,
transmission and distribution. Von Roll employs about 2 800 people at
more than 30 locations in 19 countries, and is global market leader
for insulation products, systems and services.
This press release contains information that is based on the current
state of knowledge. Unforeseeable risks and events could potentially
result in circumstances that deviate from the statements made. Minor
deviations from the stated figures may arise due to rounding
differences. For more detailed information on the company and
business developments, please refer to the Von Roll Holding Ltd.
Annual Report. http://www.vonroll.com/en/financial-reports.html
Further inquiry note:
Julia Dunkake
Corporate Communications
T: +41 44 204 3032, F: +41 44 204 3039, E: press@vonroll.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Von Roll Holding AG
Steinacherstrasse 101
CH-8804 Au / Wädenswil
phone: +41 (0)44 204 30 34
FAX: +41 (0)44 204 30 39
mail: press@vonroll.com
WWW: http://www.vonroll.ch
sector: Misc. Industrials
ISIN: CH0003245351
indexes: SPI, Midcap Market Index
stockmarkets: Main Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
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