DGAP-PVR: Daimler AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung
Geschrieben am 11-04-2013 |
Daimler AG
11.04.2013 15:58
Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein
Unternehmen der EquityStory AG.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
Publications pursuant to section 26 (1) WpHG
Notification of voting rights pursuant to section 25a WpHG
We have received the following notification of voting rights pursuant to
section 25a WpHG
a) Details of listed company:
Daimler AG, Mercedesstraße 137, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany
b) Details of the company subject to the notification obligation
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
c) Triggering event: Falling below threshold
d) Threshold (s) crossed or reached: 15 %
e) Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: 03.04.2013
f) Total amount of voting rights:
14.44 % (equals: 154,191,572 voting rights)
g) Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:
(Financial-/other) instruments pursuant to section 25a WpHG:
7.93 % (equals: 84,720,608 voting rights)
thereof held indirectly : 0.00 % (equals: 0 voting rights)
(Financial-/other) instruments pursuant to section 25 WpHG:
5.42 % (equals: 57,904,779 voting rights)
thereof held indirectly : 0.00 % (equals: 0 voting rights)
Voting rights pursuant to sections 21, 22 WpHG:
1.08 % (equals: 11,566,185 voting rights)
h) Detailed information on (financial-/other) instruments pursuant to
section 25a WpHG:
ISIN or name/description of the (financial/other) instrument Expiration
Cash Settled Short Put Option 25.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Short Put Option 04.04.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 29.05.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 21.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 14.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 26.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 19.06.2013
Cash Settled Long Call Option 20.12.2013
Cash Settled Future 30.04.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 14.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.09.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.12.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 21.06.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.09.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.09.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.06.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.06.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.06.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.06.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.06.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.12.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.12.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.12.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.12.2014
Physically Settled Short Put Option 19.06.2015
Physically Settled Short Put Option 18.12.2015
Physically Settled Short Put Option 20.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 03.04.2014
Cash Settled Swap 03.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 17.04.2013
Cash Settled Swap 22.04.2013
Cash Settled Swap 23.04.2013
Cash Settled Swap 31.10.2013
Cash Settled Swap 19.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 19.04.2013
Cash Settled Swap 20.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 02.08.2013
Cash Settled Swap 26.11.2013
Cash Settled Swap 16.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 31.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 31.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 02.10.2013
Cash Settled Swap 18.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 21.10.2013
Cash Settled Swap 03.07.2013
Cash Settled Swap 17.04.2013
Cash Settled Swap 03.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 02.08.2013
Cash Settled Swap 10.12.2013
Cash Settled Swap 23.05.2013
Cash Settled Swap 13.09.2013
Cash Settled Swap 16.04.2013
Cash Settled Swap 31.12.2015
Cash Settled Swap 18.04.2013
Security interests and appropriation rights in relation to part of the
mentioned options.
Sprache: Deutsch
Unternehmen: Daimler AG
Mercedesstrasse 137
70327 Stuttgart
Internet: www.daimler.com
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