DGAP-AFR: Heidelberger Beteiligungsholding AG: Announcement according to Articles 37v, 37w, 37x et seqq. of the WpHG [the German Securities Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
Geschrieben am 11-04-2013 |
Heidelberger Beteiligungsholding AG / Preliminary announcement on the
disclosure of financial statements
11.04.2013 16:59
Announcement according to articles 37v, 37w, 37x ff. WpHG, transmitted by
DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Heidelberger Beteiligungsholding AG hereby announces that the following
financial reports shall be disclosed :
Report: Annual financial report
Date of disclosure / German: April 17, 2013
German: http://www.heidelberger-beteiligungsholding.de/berichte.html
Report: Interim announcement within the 1st half-year
Date of disclosure / German: April 17, 2013
German: http://www.heidelberger-beteiligungsholding.de/berichte.html
Language: English
Company: Heidelberger Beteiligungsholding AG
Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 1
69120 Heidelberg
Internet: www.heidelberger-beteiligungsholding.de
End of Announcement DGAP News-Service
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