DGAP-News: Aragon Aktiengesellschaft: Aragon's Management Board to subscribe shares worth Euro 5 million
Geschrieben am 12-04-2013 |
DGAP-News: Aragon Aktiengesellschaft / Key word(s): Miscellaneous
Aragon Aktiengesellschaft: Aragon's Management Board to subscribe
shares worth Euro 5 million
12.04.2013 / 07:00
- Aragon's Management Board to subscribe shares worth Euro 5 million
The capital increase underway at Aragon AG, one of the leading financial
services companies in German-speaking countries, is making good progress.
Dr. Sebastian Grabmaier and Ralph Konrad, the two members of the company's
Management Board, intend to subscribe new shares worth Euro 5 million. This
means that the subscription of at least 2 million of the 3.62 million
shares on offer in the capital increase is secure.
Dr. Sebastian Grabmaier and Ralph Konrad already announced last year that
they would be taking over the 40.7 percent stake in the company's share
capital held by the Angermayer, Brumm und Lange Unternehmensgruppe (ABL
Group) in the context of a management buyout.
'The planned buyout and our additional investment of Euro 5 million
underline the long-term nature of our commitment', commented company CEO,
Dr. Sebastian Grabmaier. 'We are confident that, following the necessary
streamlining of its balance sheet in the 2012 financial year, Aragon will
quickly regain its former strength. From a current perspective, the 2013
financial year should already be profitable once again.'
The planned buyout is still subject to approval by the relevant supervisory
About the capital increase
The subscription and rights issue period runs from 8 April 2013 to 24 April
2013. Overall, the company is offering up to 3,616,658 new shares at an
issue price of Euro 2.50 each. The company's share capital is set to
increase from Euro 7,233,316 currently to up to Euro 10,849,974. The issue
price corresponds to the subscription price for the new shares offered in
the rights issue. The new shares will be offered to Aragon shareholders at
a ratio of 2 to 1. Each two shares already held thus entitle existing
shareholders to subscribe one new share. No subscription rights trading is
taking place.
This publication constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a request to buy
securities. The offering in Germany is exclusively based on the securities
prospectus. The securities prospectus can be downloaded from the company's
internet site at www.aragon.ag and may also be forwarded free of charge
upon request during the company's customary business hours (Kormoranweg 1,
65201 Wiesbaden).
Press contact:
Folker Dries
Hering Schuppener
0151 16231556
The members of the Management Board of Aragon AG indirectly hold a
significant shareholding in Aragon AG. They thus have a proprietary
interest in the nature and content of the information provided in this
About Aragon AG
Aragon AG is a broadly diversified financial services group with two
operating segments, Broker Pools and Financial Consulting, and an operating
Holding division. Within its segments, Aragon AG operates in the market
with several independently acting subsidiaries. The aim is to integrate
various sales models under one roof without infringing on the identity of
each individual sales operation. This leads to broad diversification across
numerous asset classes and distribution channels and, as a result, ensures
high earnings stability. Further information about the company and its
subsidiaries can be found at www.aragon.ag.
Aragon Aktiengesellschaft
Ralf Funke
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49(0)611 890 575-0
Fax: +49(0)611 890 575-99
E-Mail: ir@aragon.ag
End of Corporate News
12.04.2013 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a
company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
206879 12.04.2013
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