DVB Bank to strengthen its Board of Managing Directors
Geschrieben am 15-04-2013 |
Frankfurt am Main (ots) - The appointment of Ralf Bedranowsky (54)
will strengthen DVB Bank's management team with effect from 1 July
2013 or an earlier date. The Bank's Supervisory Board has passed the
respective resolution. Ralf Bedranowsky joins from Deutsche Bank,
where he has been responsible as Global Head of DB Shipping, for
Deutsche Bank's global shipping finance activities since 1 October
2007. Initially, Ralf Bedranowsky will assume responsibility for risk
management on DVB's Board of Managing Directors. Following the
retirement of Dagfinn Lunde from the Board of Managing Directors, for
reasons of age, at the end of 2013, Ralf Bedranowsky will assume
responsibility for the Bank's Shipping Finance business. DVB Bank
aims to further strengthen its position in financing the global
transport sector. With the appointment of Ralf Bedranowsky, DVB has
been able to attract a renowned industry expert: he has a successful
track record, with many years of global management experience in
traditional banking and lending business as well as in investment
From 1 September 2004 until 30 September 2007 Ralf Bedranowsky was
a member of the Management Board of Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
(Helaba), where his principal responsibility was for the lending back
office (Marktfolge Kredit). Before joining Helaba, he had worked for
Deutsche Bank for more than two decades: his last assignment during
this period was as a member of the management team at Deutsche Bank's
Hamburg branch, where he was responsible for risk management in
corporate banking for North and Eastern Germany, as well as for risk
management for Deutsche Bank Group's shipping finance business. In
addition, Ralf Bedranowsky served as Deputy Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of SHL AG (Schiffshypothekenbank zu Lübeck AG), a
wholly-owned shipping finance subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG.
Ralf Bedranowsky's appointment to DVB Bank's Board of Managing
Directors demonstrates that the composition of the Bank's senior
management team is dedicated to continuity and sustainable earnings
Photos of Mr Bedranowsky are available for download on our website
(www.dvbbank.com > Media > Photos & videos > People & events)
About DVB Bank SE:
DVB Bank SE, headquartered in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, is the
leading specialist in the international Transport Finance business.
The Bank offers integrated financing solutions and advisory services
in respect of Shipping Finance, Aviation Finance, and Land Transport
Finance. DVB is present at all key international financial centres
and transport hubs: at its Frankfurt/Main head office, as well as
various European locations (Athens, Bergen, Hamburg, London, Oslo,
Rotterdam and Zurich), plus offices in the Americas (New York City
and Curaçao) and in Asia (Singapore and Tokyo). DVB Bank SE is listed
at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN: DE0008045501). Further
information is available on www.dvbbank.com.
Contact for this press release:
Elisabeth Winter
Senior Vice President
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +49 69 9750-4329
E-Mail: elisabeth.winter@dvbbank.com
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