
ATC Global 2013 Confirmed as the Place to do Business

Geschrieben am 16-04-2013

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

*Exclusive video footage released*

ATC Global reaffirms its position as the place to do business for
the international ATM community with the release of exclusive video
footage from last month's event.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


The videos further demonstrate the unique position of ATC Global
within the international ATM market, showcasing the quality,
diversity and geographical reach of its attendee base alongside the
delivery of a world-class, content-rich education programme.

- A truly global gathering of the ATM community

ATM buyers from 107 countries attended including senior
delegations from China, South East Asia, Latin America, Europe and
the Middle East

One of the largest international delegations was from China, with
over 70 senior ATM professionals from the CAAC ATMB, the Hong Kong
CAD and all regional Chinese ATM Bureaus present.

Mr. Zhao Fan, Director at the Technical Center CAAC ATMB,
commented, "It has been extremely important for us to attend ATC
Global to engage with other ATM professionals from across the world,
meet with technology suppliers and participate in key discussions on
the future of the industry and the part China will play over the next
few years."

- Senior ATM buyers congregated in Amsterdam to conduct business

ATC Global played host to a wide range of international ATM
buyers, with a marked increased in buyer seniority - a rise of 5% in
the number of Presidents, Directors and Senior Managers.

The 2013 event also saw the return of the VIP Hosted Buyer
Programme which this year welcomed senior ANSP procurement personnel
from 17 countries. As part of the programme, the ATC Global team
facilitated over 400 meetings with exhibitors and these buyers alone
represented in excess of $700million in planned investment.

The event also continued to attract the full spectrum of ATM
sectors including notable increases in representations from airports,
airlines and the military.

"ATC Global was a great success for us. The success is related to
the critically important Hosted Buyer Programme. The qualification of
our visitors proved to be beneficial for both parties. Intelcan is
looking forward to continuing its support to, and presence at, ATC
Global 2014," commented Amanda Ellis, Director, Intelcan.

- Conference, Workshops and Seminars tackle the hard issues of ATM

Conference, seminar and workshop attendees at ATC Global 2013
heard a wide range of industry experts and decision-makers address
some of the tough, usually unaddressed, issues confronting ATM
managers today.

Sylviane Lust, Director General of IACA, said, "We work in an
industry with a lot of slogan and communication. Here [at the ATC
Global conference] we have the chance to show figures and really to
have a reality check from our point of view, I believe it is always
important to convey that message."

Videos are available to view using the links to the left or visit
http://www.atcglobalhub.com. ATC Global 2014 will take place next
year at Amsterdam RAI from 11-13 March.

Notes to Editors:

About ATC Global:

ATC Global 2013 is the place for the international ATM community
to do business.

Founded in 1990, the event brings together buyers and sellers from
across the globe, accelerating the procurement process contributing
to the implementation and deployment of major ATM projects.

The ATC Global team proactively seeks out procurement personnel
from traditionally inaccessible markets who are actively sourcing ATM
products and services, and facilitate buyer-seller meetings for all
in attendance.

ATC Global is a three day event comprising a world-leading
exhibition, high-level conference programme, hosted buyer scheme,
networking receptions, extensive free educational content and the ATC
Global Excellence Awards and Gala Dinner.

UBM, the organisers of ATC Global, helps businesses make
connections, communicate their proposition and do business
effectively throughout the world.


ots Originaltext: ATC Global
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information, images or to request an interview,
please contact: ATC Global: Patsy Bateman, Senior PR Manager, Tel:
+44(0)20-7921-8458, Email : patsy.bateman@ubm.com


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