EANS-Adhoc: C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Amendment of a previously released ad-hoc
announcement / C-QUADRAT remains licensed as a management company
Geschrieben am 18-04-2013 |
update to an ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a
Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content
of this announcement.
Strategic management decisions
In an ad-hoc statement made on January 23, 2013 via euro adhoc,
C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) announced its intention
to reorganize the company's structure and in this regard the plan to
transfer the funds of C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG to one or more
external master management companies and subsequently to relinquish
its own license as a management company.
The Board of C-QUADRAT Investment AG and C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG
remains committed to the strategy of focusing on its core business
"asset management" and the aim of optimizing the group structure and
the existing business processes, but came after another, due
consideration, to the conclusion that the objectives pursued and
planned cost savings can be achieved without relinquishment of its
own license as a management company.
For this reason, the proposed change in the corporate structure is
not implemented. The possibility of outsourcing business segments as
well as administrative tasks is not affected by this decision and is
further evaluated.
original announcement: ----------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- EANS-Adhoc: C-QUADRAT Investment
AG / C-QUADRAT plans reorganization of its corporate structure
Strategic management decisions
The management board of C-QUADRAT Investment AG and C-QUADRAT
Kapitalanlage AG intend to reorganize the company's structure. In
view of the increasing focus on individual core competences and
tighter regulatory requirements, the management board has judged
that, in the medium to long term, it will no longer be economically
worthwhile to operate an own management company. For this reason,
subject to the approval of the Austrian Financial Market Authority,
the custodian bank and the supervisory board it is planned to
transfer the funds of C-QUADRAT Kapitalanlage AG to one or more
external master management companies and subsequently to relinquish
its own license as a management company. As an asset manager
C-QUADRAT will thus focus in future on selecting and monitoring
sub-delegated, intragroup and external asset managers.
This new corporate structure will enable a reduced cost basis and
entail significantly lower administrative costs. Implementation of
this reorganization is planned during 2013. This measure is intended
to strengthen C-QUADRAT's independence as an asset manager, its
medium- and long-term competitive position and the company's growth.
Further inquiry note:
Roland Starha
Member of the Board
C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 515 66 317
Mail: ir@c-quadrat.com
end of original announcement euro adhoc --------------
sector publicity of original announcement:
2013-01-23 14:37:38 - Bloomberg- sent
2013-01-23 14:37:38 - Bloomberg- sent
Further inquiry note:
Andreas Wimmer
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 515 66 316
Mail: a.wimmer@investmentfonds.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: C-QUADRAT Investment AG
Stubenring 2
A-1010 Wien
phone: +43 1 515 66-0
FAX: +43 1 515 66-159
mail: c-quadrat@investmentfonds.at
WWW: www.c-quadrat.at
sector: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000613005
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Frankfurt, Wien
language: English
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