DGAP-News: Digital Identification Solutions AG: 2012FY results
Geschrieben am 18-04-2013 |
Digital Identification Solutions AG / Key word(s): Final Results
18.04.2013 14:53
Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of
EquityStory AG.
The issuer / publisher is solely responsible for the content of this
Stuttgart, April 18, 2013 - Digital Identification Solutions AG (DISO), a
leading international ID solutions provider, approved today the 2012FY
2012 Total revenues: EUR 29.7 million (+7.8% yoy)
2012 EBITDA: EUR 1.1 million (in line with 2011 EBITDA)
2012 EBIT: EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.7 million in 2011)
2012 Net profit: EUR 0.3 million (EUR 0.4 million loss in 2011)
DISO AG (D7S.GR) approved today the consolidated 2012 results; total sales
exceeded EUR 29.7 million (+7.8 yoy) with the gross margin, now 35.4%
remaining stable versus the 2011FY margin (35.8%). Including also other
income the gross margin is up to 37.0%.
The EBITDA reached EUR 1.1 million, is in line with the overall amount for
the 2011FY, and it is already net of one off charges for staff redundancy
and other restructuring costs amounting to EUR 0.8 million.
Adjusted to exclude these expenses, the EBITDA reaches EUR 2.0 million, the
highest ever recorded in the company's history.
Data in EUR/000 2012 2011 %
Total revenues 29,682 27,538 7.8
Other operating income 491 580 -15.3
Internally produced and capitalised assets 152 117 29.9
Total Income 30,325 28,235 7.4
Cost of materials -19,157 -17,659 8.5
Personnel cost -5,504 -5,249 4.9
Other operating costs -4,542 -4,142 9.7
Total cost -29,186 -27,050 7.9
EBITDA 1,122 1,185
Amortisation and provisions -548 -456
EBIT 574 729
Interest expenses -92 -60
Profit Before Tax 482 669
Income tax -502 -473
Deferred tax 306 -650
Net profit/loss from continued operations 286 -454
The major positive impact comes from the successful renegotiation of the
OEM contract to reduce the currency risk, which had a very healthy effect
on P&L numbers, since the net FX loss of EUR 580K in the 2011FY accounts
has been replaced with a negative FX effect of EUR 30K in the full 2012.
Also for the first time the consolidated statements will show a net profit
of EUR 0.3 million (EUR 1.0 million of net loss in 2011); last year the
positive profit before tax was more than offset by the reversal of past tax
losses as well as the impact of application of IFRS5 concerning the
subsidiary vps ID Systeme GmbH being treated as a dismissal group.
About Digital Identification Solutions
The Digital Identification Solutions Group (D7S.GR) is a global provider of
advanced identification solutions with a worldwide install base of more
than 11,000 systems. In October 2009, the Group introduced to the world
market the latest EDIsecure(R) XID Retransfer Printer generations for
distinct Business Line segments, as well as a much enhanced Professional
Line Portfolio in combination with new Inline Lamination Modules. The
Professional Line Portfolio will support multiple new modules in the
forthcoming future, as well as the revolutionary LCP 9000 Laser Color
Personalization System. The company has its own sales, marketing, logistic
and support centres in Germany, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore,
China, the United States and Mexico. Together with its vast network of
certified partners, Digital Identification Solutions is in a position to
deliver state-of-the-art solutions virtually anywhere in the world. The
company combines cutting-edge technology, extensive industry know-how and
an impressive array of references in the private and public sector.
For further information please visit www.digital-identification.com
Information and Explaination of the Issuer to this News:
Fabrizio Armone
Digital Identification Solutions AG
Teckstrasse 52
D-73734 Esslingen
Phone: +49 (711) 341 689-0
Fax: +49 (711) 341 689-550
Language: English
Company: Digital Identification Solutions AG
Teckstraße 52
73734 Esslingen
Phone: +49 (0)711 341 689 0
Fax: +49 (0)711 341 689 550
E-mail: mail_ir@digital-identification.com
Internet: www.digital-identification.com
Listed: Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart;
Frankfurt in Open Market (Entry Standard)
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