
DGAP-News: Hess AG: Share capital used up

Geschrieben am 18-04-2013

DGAP-News: Hess AG / Key word(s): Insolvency/Miscellaneous
Hess AG: Share capital used up

18.04.2013 / 15:45


Hess AG: Share capital used up

Villingen-Schwenningen, 18th April, 2013. As already reported, Hess AG is
forced to correct and newly compile the annual financial statement for the
2011 financial year due to the results of the internal special
investigation. For example, the annual surplus has to be revised downwards
by 6 million EUR for the mentioned financial year.

Adjustments have to be carried out also for the 2012 financial year
resulting in a correction of the annual surplus of 9 million EUR. That
implies reporting a loss of at least 15 million EUR for the 2012 financial
year. These corrections are caused by inflated reported turnovers which
were based on so called fictitious invoices.

These considerably negative results of the two financial years lead to the
fact that the share capital is used up.

A corresponding extraordinary shareholder's meeting cannot be convened as
the necessary funds for it are not available. Furthermore, the opening of
the insolvency procedure of the company is imminent.


Hess AG
Marco Walz
Investor Relations / Communications
Lantwattenstraße 22
78050 Villingen-Schwenningen
Phone: +49 (0) 7721 920-475
Fax : +49 (0) 7721 920-771475
Mail : marco.walz@hess.eu

End of Corporate News


18.04.2013 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a
company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Language: English
Company: Hess AG
Lantwattenstraße 22
78050 Villingen-Schwenningen
Phone: +49 7721 920 0
Fax: +49 7721 920 250
E-mail: hess@hess.eu
Internet: www.hess.eu
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);
Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, München, Stuttgart

End of News DGAP News-Service
207617 18.04.2013


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