DGAP-News: getgoods.de AG: Management Board increases stake in getgoods.de AG
Geschrieben am 19-04-2013 |
DGAP-News: getgoods.de AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous
getgoods.de AG: Management Board increases stake in getgoods.de AG
19.04.2013 / 10:30
Management Board increases stake in getgoods.de AG
Frankfurt Oder, 19 April 2013 - Markus Rockstädt-Mies, CEO of the online
retailer getgoods.de AG, has further increased his stake in the company.
Since the beginning of the year, Mr. Rockstädt-Mies has acquired a total of
126,000 shares at their respective daily prices. This corresponds to a 0.7%
share of the company's share capital. Overall, the management of
getgoods.de AG now owns 57.28% of the getgoods.de AG shares in circulation.
Comments company CEO, Markus Rockstädt-Mies, with regard to his purchase of
additional shares: 'I am convinced by our company and its positive
performance - both in its operating business and on the stock market.
That's why I am not only giving of my best every day in the company's
operating business, but am also supporting our share price.'
Further information about the company, its management and share can be
found on the newly designed internet site for investors at www.getgoods.ag
IR contact:
Dorothea Schneider
Stockheim Media GmbH
Tel: +49 (0)89 200 345 83
E-mail: ds@stockheim-media.com
About getgoods.de AG:
getgoods.de AG is a leading operator of online platforms in the fast
growing e-commerce market. The products focus is on mobile phones, smart
phones, telephones and notebooks as well as on consumer electronics and
white goods. Additionally, the company provides kids toys, leisure ware and
hardware goods. With online shops, such as www.getgoods.de, www.hoh.de, or
www.handyshop.de as well as presence points at Amazon and ebay the company
covers a wide range within its portfolio. getgoods.de AG is located in
Frankfurt/Oder an Berlin with approximately 200 employees.
End of Corporate News
19.04.2013 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a
company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
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