DGAP-Adhoc: EnviTec Biogas AG reports preliminary 2012 results and announces dividend proposal
Geschrieben am 22-04-2013 |
EnviTec Biogas AG / Key word(s): Preliminary Results/Dividend
22.04.2013 19:46
Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
EnviTec Biogas AG reports preliminary 2012 results and announces dividend
Lohne, 22 April 2013 - EnviTec Biogas AG (ISIN: DE000A0MVLS8) reports its
preliminary figures for the financial year 2012. Group sales came in at
approximately EUR 190 million compared to EUR 244 million in the year 2011.
This clear decline in sales is also reflected in the earnings performance.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)
reduced from EUR 20.3 million to approximately EUR 14.5 million. The
increase in depreciation and amortisation - particularly due to the higher
number of own biogas plants - resulted in earnings before interest and
taxes (EBIT) declining from EUR 10.8 million to approximately EUR 1.3
million. This reduction is also due to costs in the Italian Own Plant
Operation segment rising towards the end of the year, reflecting a very
poor harvest which unexpectedly drove up the prices of agricultural
commodities in Italy.
Investments in the renewables space in Germany are currently being severely
hampered by the political debate surrounding the future parameters for the
production of renewable energy in Germany. This has affected both the Plant
Construction segment and the Own Plant Operation segment of EnviTec Biogas.
During the current year the company will consequently not expand the
production capacity of its Own Plant Operation segment (52 megawatts at
year-end 2012) as fast as previously planned.
Due to the lower capital expenditure, the good cash position and the very
solid equity ratio of 52 percent (as at 31 December 2012), the Supervisory
Board and the Executive Board will propose payment of a special dividend
amounting to EUR 1.00 per share to the shareholders at the ordinary Annual
General Meeting on 27 June 2013.
--- ends ---
Katrin Selzer
EnviTec Biogas AG
Tel: +49 25 74 88 88 - 810
E-Mail: k.selzer@envitec-biogas.de
Language: English
Company: EnviTec Biogas AG
Industriering 10a
49393 Lohne
Phone: +49 (0) 44 42 - 80 65 0
Fax: +49 (0) 44 42 - 80 65 103
E-mail: info@envitec-biogas.de
Internet: www.envitec-biogas.de
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, München, Stuttgart
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