
SYGNIS granted US patent for QUALIPHI®, the Next Generation DNA amplification tool

Geschrieben am 23-04-2013

Madrid/Heidelberg (ots) - SYGNIS granted US patent for QUALIPHI®,
the Next Generation DNA amplification tool

New patent opens SYGNIS and QUALIPHI® in a leading position in a
EUR70 million global market.

- QUALIPHI® is a DNA polymerase which has demonstrated the
potential to improve complete DNA amplification from minimal
- Polymerase proteins are essential in the research and analysis
or modification of DNA
- QUALIPHI® reduces reaction time to 2 hours
- Currently, the global DNA amplification market is estimated at
EUR70 million, with the US the largest market.

The biotech company SYGNIS Pharma AG (Frankfurt: LIO1; ISIN:
DE000A1RFM03; Prime Standard) has been granted a patent by the USPTO
(US patent and Trademark office) for its flagship product, QUALIPHI®
the polymerase for complete DNA amplification. Polymerase proteins
are the main tool for amplifying long DNA fragments and whole
genomes, and are a basic need for research involving the analysis and
modification of DNA.

QUALIPHI® is an upgraded version of the Phi 29 DNA polymerase used
in isothermal amplification which provides enhanced properties
compared to similar polymerase proteins on the market. Being less
time-consuming and having highly superior performance
characteristics, the method developed by SYGNIS enables DNA
amplification from concentrations as low as those found in a single
cell. This is extremely useful in cancer research, and many other

"Certainly, the need for amplification of nucleic acids from
minimal concentrations as present in single cell applications will be
a critical issue in the coming era of personalised medicine and NGS.
We expect QUALIPHI® to become an essential tool for the DNA
amplification needed in these markets", said SYGNIS' CEO, Pilar de la

With the significant growth in the field of DNA amplifications
used in sequencing and personalised medicine, the market of whole
genome amplification with polymerase proteins is expected to grow at
over 20% per annum over the next few years. Current estimates
indicate that the size of the global isothermal DNA market alone is
approximately EUR70 million, with the US as the leading market for

In 2012, SYGNIS granted an exclusive global licence to QIAGEN,
including sublicensing rights, for the commercialization of QUALIPHI®
in the DNA amplification market. QIAGEN is a global leader in sample
and assay technologies in research and molecular diagnostics.

About SYGNIS Pharma AG: www.sygnis.de

After the merger in 2012 between X-Pol Biotech, specialising in
DNA amplification and sequencing, and SYGNIS Pharma AG, listed in the
German Stock Exchange (Prime Standard segment, Tick: LIO1; ISIN:
DE000A1RFM03), SYGNIS' new mission is to develop and distribute
technologies and products from X-Pol, which has a commercial product
in the DNA amplification segment, QUALIPHI®, and is currently
developing other products in the field of Next Generation Sequencing.

For further information:
Pilar de la Huerta
+34 902 02 69 31 / 609 47 29 34 / 654 41 01 11

# # # Disclaimer: Some statements included in this press release,
relating neither to proven financial results nor to other historical
data, should be viewed as forward-looking, i.e. not definitive. Such
statements are mainly predictions of future results, trends, plans or
goals. These statements should not be considered to be total
guarantees since given their very nature, they are subject to known
and unknown risks, as well as to aspects beyond human control, and
can be affected by other factors as a consequence of which the actual
results, plans and goals of SYGNIS Pharma AG may deviate greatly from
the established conclusions or implied predictions contained in such
statements. SYGNIS does not undertake to publicly update or revise
these statements in the light of new information or future results or
for any other reason. # # #

Pilar de la Huerta
+34 902 02 69 31 / 609 47 29 34 / 654 41 01 11


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