
DGAP-Adhoc: H&R AG - publication of final business results and conversion of the Salzbergen Refinery business model

Geschrieben am 25-04-2013

H&R AG / Key word(s): Final Results

25.04.2013 19:35

Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


H&R AG - publication of final business results and conversion of the
Salzbergen Refinery business model

Salzbergen, 25 April 2013. H&R AG is publishing its final business results
and converting its operations in Salzbergen to a contract processing model

As announced in the ad-hoc release of 27 March 2013, the Board of
Directors' reviewed the Company's business plan with a view to ensuring
sustainable earnings growth and postponed publication of the final figures.
The Company's final figures, unchanged as compared to the press release of
27 March 2013, are now available as planned, as is the audited 2012 Annual
Financial Statements.

Further to the review of the business plan, in consultation with the
Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors of H&R Aktiengesellschaft (stock
ISIN: DE 0007757007) has decided to convert the business model in respect
to the Salzbergen Refinery to contract production, whereby the capital tied
up in the refinery (primarily raw materials, semi-finished and finished
products), including the pertinent financial resources, will be entirely
transferred to the pertinent customer. This business model conversion goes
hand in hand with an optimisation of the Company's working capital

For further details H&R AG makes reference to the 2012 Annual report
published on the Company's website in the course of 26 April 2013.

H&R AG, Investor Relations / Communications, Ties Kaiser
Neuenkirchener Straße 8, 48499 Salzbergen, Germany
Phone: +49 40 43218-321, Fax: +49 40 43218-390
Email: Ties.Kaiser@hur.com

H&R AG is an SDAX listed specialist chemicals company. It develops and
manufactures crude oil-based chemical and pharmaceutical products and
high-precision plastic parts.

Forward-looking statements and forecasts:
This ad-hoc communication contains forward-looking statements. These
statements are based on current estimates and forecasts made by the
Executive Board and the information available to the Board at this time.
Forward-looking statements should not be interpreted as guarantees that the
projected future developments and results will materialise. Future
developments and results are dependent on a range of factors. They comprise
various risks and imponderables and rest on assumptions which may prove
incorrect. We do not accept any obligation to update the forward-looking
statements made in this ad-hoc communication.


Language: English
Company: H&R AG
Neuenkirchener Str. 8
48499 Salzbergen
Phone: +49 (0)40 43 218 321
Fax: +49 (0)40 43 218 390
E-mail: investor.relations@hur.com
Internet: www.hur.com
ISIN: DE0007757007
WKN: 775700
Indices: SDAX
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt (Prime Standard),
Hamburg; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Hannover, München, Stuttgart

End of Announcement DGAP News-Service



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