
Audi is Europe's top employer (BILD)

Geschrieben am 29-04-2013

Ingolstadt (ots) -

- Cross reference: Picture is available at
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

- Renewed top position in German graduates' rankings
- Most popular employer also in Hungary and Belgium
- Board of Management Member for HR Thomas Sigi: "The awards are
evidence of the consistent implementation of our strategy of
being an attractive employer worldwide."
- Audi Group: approximately 4,800 employees to be recruited
worldwide in 2013

Audi is more popular as an employer than ever before. The company
recorded its fourth win in succession in the renowned employer
rankings of the research institutes Trendence and Universum* and thus
remains a top address for students in Germany. After Audi Hungaria
was voted Hungary's most attractive company and Audi Brussels took
first place in the Belgian "Employer of the Year" survey just a week
ago, Audi has now gained excellent results also in Germany.

The brand with the four rings continues to be the most popular
employer for graduates in engineering and business management.
According to the latest Universum survey, every fourth German young
engineer and nearly every fifth graduate in business management would
like to start his or her career at Audi. "Once again this year, we
are the Number One preferred employer amongst students. Our
attractive working conditions and the excellent development
opportunities in Germany and at our international sites appeal to
future specialists and executives," stated Thomas Sigi, Board of
Management Member for Human Resources and Labor Relations Director at
AUDI AG. The company's production network will continue to grow - in
the first half of this decade to 16 sites in 13 countries. Along its
growth path, AUDI AG plans to recruit approximately 1,500 new
employees in Germany alone. In addition, about another 700 young
people will begin a traineeship or apprenticeship at Audi this year.

The attraction of the four rings is also reflected in the rising
interest expressed by IT students, as well as graduates in natural
sciences. Amongst the latter, Audi has moved up from thirteenth to
sixth place according to the Universum survey. "Technological
innovations such as piloted driving or the networking of cars with
Audi Connect are recognized by young people and make Audi even more
attractive," added Sigi. Audi is on its way to the corporate goal of
being the "world's most attractive employer," explained Sigi. The
company has gained international reputation also through its social
activities and its sustainability. "We accept our social
responsibility and strive to unite economic, ecological and social
issues as well as possible. We are involved in numerous social
projects and encourage voluntary work by our employees," continued

The two sites in Brussels and Györ remained at the peak in their
countries: AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. is now the "most attractive
company" for the fifth time. That is the result of a survey by
corporate consulting company Aon Hewitt and the international student
organization AIESEC. 33,000 people were surveyed in Hungary,
including 8,000 graduates of 25 polytechnic colleges and
universities. For the first time, Audi has been voted "Employer of
the Year 2013" in Belgium. This award is based on a poll of 9,000
young professionals and an assessment by a jury of experts. The
survey is a project by the Internet platform Références/Vacature in
collaboration with personnel consulting agency Acerta and the Vlerick
Business School.

Worldwide, the Audi family is constantly growing: At the beginning
of April, 70,023 people worked for the Audi Group with 50,652 of them
being employed at the two German plants in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm.
AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. currently employs 9,006 people and Audi
Brussels 2,528 people. Internationally, Audi plans to recruit another
4,800 employees in 2013. The company has ambitious goals, but is well
prepared: At the end of 2011, Audi initiated the biggest investment
program in its history. By 2015, the company will invest an annual
average of more than EUR 3.5 billion in order to consistently pursue
its growth path.

* Every year, Universum polls more than 23,000 students of 107
universities; the Trendence survey takes into account statements by
37,000 students of 130 universities.

Corporate Communications
Michaela Schnellhardt
Spokesperson HR and Social Affairs
Telephone: +49 841 89 34009
E-mail: michaela.schnellhardt@audi.de


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