EANS-Adhoc: Hans Peter Haselsteiner resigns as CEO of STRABAG SE effective 14
June 2013 - Thomas Birtel new CEO
Geschrieben am 29-04-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes)/C.E.O. Interviews
* Hans Peter Haselsteiner to become authorised representative
responsible for internationalisation and strategic orientation
At today's meeting of the supervisory board, the CEO of STRABAG SE,
Dr. Hans Peter Haselsteiner, tendered his resignation from the
management board of the publicly listed construction company
effective with the end of the 2013 Annual General Meeting. It is his
intention to continue to support the management board as an
authorised representative in matters concerning the group's
internationalisation and strategic orientation. After discussion, the
supervisory board accepted the resignation of Hans Peter Haselsteiner
effective with the end of the Annual General Meeting on 14 June 2013.
Dr. Thomas Birtel, Deputy CEO, was appointed as new CEO by the
supervisory board at the same meeting.
Dr. Alfred Gusenbauer, chairman of the STRABAG SE supervisory board:
"On behalf of all employees and the supervisory board, I am grateful
that Hans Peter Haselsteiner will remain with the company in another
function. We believe that Thomas Birtel, who has been with the group
for nearly twenty years, is perfectly prepared to continue to
successfully shape STRABAG's future."
STRABAG SE will hold its financial press conference on 30 April 2013
at 10:00 a.m. at the group headquarters in Vienna.
Further inquiry note:
Diana Klein, CFA
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel: +43 1 22422-1116
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: STRABAG SE
Donau-City-Straße 9
A-1220 Wien
phone: +43 1 22422 -0
FAX: +43 1 22422 - 1177
mail: www.strabag.com
WWW: investor.relations@strabag.com
sector: Construction & Property
ISIN: AT000000STR1, AT0000A05HY9
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, SATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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