EANS-Adhoc: Goldbach Group AG / Announcement of change in management at the
Goldbach Group effective at the end of April 2014 (with photo)
Geschrieben am 30-04-2013 |
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Management Changes
Ad hoc press release
Announcement of change in management at the Goldbach Group effective
at the end of April 2014
Küsnacht-Zürich, April 30th 2013. Klaus Kappeler, CEO of the Goldbach
Group, has announced his resignation, effective April 29th 2014. He
will be succeeded by his deputy Michi Frank, formerly CEO of Goldbach
Media (Switzerland) AG. The change in operative management has been
carefully prepared by the Board of Directors of the Goldbach Group
and Klaus Kappeler. During the course of the coming year, Klaus
Kappeler will help his long-time colleague and successor prepare for
his executive role. When operative management changes hands, Klaus
Kappeler will join the Board of Directors of the Goldbach Group,
where he will continue to play an active role in shaping the
company's strategic direction.
From 1986 until 2001, Klaus Kappeler (59) was Managing Director of
Radio Z AG and Goldbach Media (Switzerland) AG (formerly IP
Multimedia (Schweiz) AG), and then Chief Executive Officer of Medien
Z Holding AG, which was created from Radio Z AG, and CEO of Goldbach
Group AG since 2001. "Nearly 30 years ago, Klaus Kappeler helped
create the company that since 2011 has been known as the Goldbach
Group. He shaped it with clear vision and strategic strength to make
it the leading network for electronic communication solutions and a
competence and logistics centre for the marketing of private
electronic, mobile and interactive media" said Bruno Widmer, the
outgoing President of the Board of Directors of the Goldbach Group.
To this, Beat Curti, co-founder, principal shareholder and member of
the Board of Directors of Goldbach Group, added: "For this service,
his incredible dedication and his accomplishments as a pioneer in the
field of private radio and television in Switzerland, on behalf of
the entire Board of Directors, we want to express our sincere
gratitude and our recognition."
Kappeler will turn operative management over to his current deputy,
Michi Frank, on 1 May 2014, and transfer to the Board of Directors at
Goldbach Group AG. "As designated President of the Board of Directors
of the Goldbach Group, I also want to thank Klaus Kappeler for his
planning and making extensive preparations for his succession long in
advance. This gives employees, partners, customers, shareholders and
us, the members of the Board of Directors, the certainty that our
Company will remain under strong, and successful operative
management, with industry intelligence in future", Jens Alder
observed on the transition from Klaus Kappeler to Michi Frank.
From 1987 to 1994, Frank (45) worked at Publicitas and the
publications "Tages Anzeiger" and "Cash" as Key Account Customer
Adviser and Print Media Sales Manager. From 1994 to 2000, he then
served as Managing Director of Belcom AG for "Radio24" and "TeleZüri"
as well as "Tele24". From 2001 until 2011 he held the position of CEO
of Goldbach Media (Switzerland) AG, and Chief Sales Officer of the
Goldbach Group AG and deputy to CEO Klaus Kappeler since 2007. In
2011, this was followed by a position as Head of the Business Line
Media and in 2012 as Regional Head West. "I consider myself very
fortunate indeed that my long-time colleague, Michi Frank, will
succeed me", Kappeler noted. "His record of business achievements and
his acceptance by employees, customers and partners alike, are
impressive, and I am convinced that he will succeed in further
strengthening the position and the business fields of the Goldbach
Group, both nationally and internationally."
Additional management change Martin Radelfinger (54), Chief Strategy
Officer at Goldbach Audience, will leave the Executive Board of the
Goldbach Group effective by the end of July 2013. He will set up a
Business Development Hub for the Goldbach Group AG in Silicon Valley.
The move aims to permit early identification of technolo-gies and
business models in the area of digital and interactive advertising
and trend scouting in regard to start-ups with an affinity to the
core business area of the Goldbach Group. In Addition he will take
part in an Executive Program for Innovation and Start-up Management
at Stanford University in California.
In 2000, Radelfinger created AdLINK Internet Media AG Schweiz in 2000
with participation by Tamedia; in 2004, he merged the company with
the online marketing companies of the Goldbach Group. With the IPO of
the Goldbach Group, he took over business development for the Group
as Chief Business Development and M&A Officer; since 2010, he has
served as Chief Strategy Officer and is in charge of strategic
management of the online marketing business. Martin Radelfinger has
been a member of the Goldbach Group Management since 2004 and assists
the IAB Europe as Advisor to the Board.
Pictures with Announcement:
Further inquiry note:
Germaine Mueller
Tel. +41 44 914 91 10
Mobile: +41 78 600 24 14
end of announcement euro adhoc
Pictures with Announcement:
issuer: Goldbach Group AG
Seestrasse 39
CH-8700 Küsnacht
phone: +41 44 914 91 00
FAX: +41 44 914 93 60
mail: info@goldbachgroup.ch
WWW: www.goldbachgroup.ch
sector: Media
ISIN: CH0004870942
indexes: SPI, SPIEX
stockmarkets: Main Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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