
Cirpack Helps to Migrate Vivaction's Network to Full IP

Geschrieben am 30-04-2013

Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -

Vivaction, French B2B Telecom operator, has renewed its trust in
Cirpack, leading company in SBC (Session Border Controller) and
Softswitch solutions, as preferred technical partner for its Core
Network architecture and SIP enabler, to migrate its actual network
to Full SIP and optimize interconnection within the networks.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130430/612606 )

With a clear migration path to a full SIP architecture supporting
its Wholesale and B2B businesses, Vivaction selected a solution
meeting its technical constraints on network interconnect and a
partner it can rely on. Cirpack is taking in charge this migration
and the deployment of a fully secured SBC - with full redundancy to
strengthen the security of the final solution. The solution also
includes Transcoding capabilities to ensure seamless codec management
for the interconnections.

This new infrastructure will allow Vivaction to offer the latest
innovative VoIP and multimedia solutions to its customers while
optimizing its network, reinforcing its reliability and security, and
saving costs.

"Cirpack is a longtime partner of Vivaction, and we are glad to
extend this partnership through these new deployments." said Juan
Lopez, Head of Cirpack. "This new success highlights how much the
robustness of our solutions is recognized by our partners and
customers. Telecom's market is evolving in a tough climate, so it's
primordial to count on partners such as Cirpack, offering a guarantee
of quality associated to field-proven solutions.

"Following a recent capital-and-debt raising, Vivaction gives
itself the means to accelerate its growth and to keep providing
customized offers to companies and business partners. In this
context, Vivaction has decided to strengthen its infrastructure and
to choose state-of-the-art SIP solutions. Vivaction will rely on the
expertise of Cirpack, with whom we have a longstanding partnership".
said Richard Marry, Head of Vivaction.

We are delighted that Cirpack continues to accompany us,
reflecting its confidence in the know-how that we have developed over
the last 17 years in telecommunications."

About Cirpack

Founded in 1999, Cirpack offers core solutions including Session
Border Controller (SBC), Softswitch and Tranversal applications. Our
local presence in France, Germany and Mexico allows close support to
over 150 telecom operators, ISP, ASP and integrators worldwide.
Cirpack products and solutions have built a reputation of robustness,
reliability and flexibility amongst customers. The company is head-
quartered in Paris region.


About Vivaction

Established in 1995, Vivaction has developed an expertise in
managing VoIP traffic between France and overseas countries, for
major International telecom carriers. Over the past years, Vivaction
has created innovative IP telephony, mobile and data solutions for
all types of companies. Vivaction has chosen to specialize itself
according to the requirements of different industries and businesses
it targets. Hence, it has become a specialist in providing customized
and evolving solutions to VOIP operators, multi-site companies, and
international call centers. Vivaction corporate headquarters are in
Suresnes, France.



ots Originaltext: Cirpack
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Press Office, +33(0)1 41 86 60 45, press@cirpack.com


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